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Looking for loot help? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Wondering if either this exists or could be done.

A loot plugin, that when you loot something it then asks you if you wish to "Keep" "Destroy" the item via a key press K or D (possibly showing its value and so on) it would then add that item to a temporary list which whilst during that logged on period would autoloot that item until you turn it off? rather than having to enter the items in a macro header
Not quite what you describe but maybe useful. Autoloot.mac adds anything you loot to a ini file, defaults keep but is easily edited to destroy any item.

sample from ini file: 1 = keep, 0 = destroy

Alligator Egg=1
Alligator Hide=0
Alligator Tooth=0
Animating Force=1
Animated Sword4=0
Animated Shield=0
Looking for loot help?

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