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Looting a (dead) mob (1 Viewer)


May 23, 2005
1) If I have a dead mob, and I've been running around it (i.e., I dont know which way I'm facing atm, but it is inside the circle, circle is about <= 50), and I want to loot it, is it:

/target corpse

(ignoring the aggro of other mobs, for simplicity)
and that's it? That sounds too simple.

and 2) What shud I put in the if statement to see if I *DO* have a corpse and not a 0% but still alive mob?
Loot range is somewhere around 20

You'd have to....
Rich (BB code):
/Target Corpse
If ${Target.Distance}>20 {
     /keypress Forward Hold
} Else {
     /keypress Forward
     /goto :ExitMovementLoop
/Goto :MovementLoop
/delay 5
/varset loottotal ${Math.Calc[${Corpse.Items}
/for lootslot 1 to ${loottotal} 
/delay 5
/itemnotify loot${lootslot} rightmouseup
  /delay 5 !${Corpse.Item[${lootslot}].ID} 
   /if (!${Corpse.Item[${lootslot}].ID}) { 
      /next lootslot
} else {
/delay 2
/goto :LootItem


Rich (BB code):
/declare Loottotal int outer
/declare lootslot int outer

...at the start of your macro

Hope that helps.
Looting a (dead) mob

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