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MACRO IDEA - Tribute Finder (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 15, 2005
I often search on the Bazaar for item that worth more Tribute than PP and I buy them.

Now that I know it exist a macro to buy and sell object that cost less from player and sell more with merchant , it most be possible to do a macro like that, it could be really useful...

that's not a request just something maybe someone didnt have thought but will want to use...
macro's like that have been around for a long time, but from what i understand are completely or close to completely worthless now. You have people like Yanits (mysupersales) that are probably running this type of macro on god knows how many accounts around the clock. Not to mention all the other players who are probably doing the same thing.
I dont have find this macro anywhere here and everyday when I search in the Bazaar I find item selling for 10 pp but worthing 120+ Tribute Pts...

Anyway was just sharing idea, I had a better one but forget it...
He wasn't downing your idea...just saying it's out there...apparently no one here has it. Also, he was saying that if you're gonna use it, you have competition.

However, if you find it useful on your server, then good for you!

The one I've seen that does what you're asking just warped around the bazaar, which imo is a bad idea cause people will see you.
I appologize if it seemed like I was downing your idea, I was not. In fact, it is a very good idea. Problem is, it was thought of a long time ago and people jumped all over it. Also, as he said, that macro warped you all over the bazaar so you might as well paint a big BAN ME sign on your back. I think there was someone (and forgive me I do not recall who) that redid the macro so you run around instead of warping. I think between everyone using that macro and sony finding out about alot of it and nerfing a ton of stuff on prices, the macro became obsolete. I have not though, seen anyone use this in strictly a tribute fashion instead of a plat making macro. I wished I had the macro to give to you, but it would have to be changed to find tribute vs. cost values instead of cost vs. resell value.
I have look at the code for Price looking to first change it to running instead of warping , but for now im still trying to understand how mq2 progamming work.

Does the're other tutorial/guide on making macro beside these :

- Plugin Creation Guide
- Macro Tutorial Guide

If I can learn the code I will be much more easier for me to help support RedGuides...
your best bet is to just get some macros you like to use, then break them down and try to learn what each part does. Trial and error is your best bet here. I am still trying to learn all this myself. Other than that, I have yet to come by a better way learn the code.
I wrote this at one point, but I lost the macro. The thing is, ${Item} isn't available from bazaar links. So you can't tell what tribute value the items are. You have to use some sort of database. Or what I did was use an irc bot to link to lucy and return the data and build the database from that. But...it was very cumbersome and not really worth it.

[edit] I shouldn't say that there's no way to do it without a database. I think you could link bazaar results to ${Item}, but it would require modifications to mq2 source or a plugin. Either way more work than I care to do...
MACRO IDEA - Tribute Finder

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