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Question - Macroquest is Blocking Sony Crash report (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 18, 2014
All compiles have worked great for me til this most recent one. I play 2 accounts on 1 Pc and i dont even make it into the game before i get the "Macroquest has blocked the sont crash report for my safety message. I cant make it in no matter what i have tried. at first i thought maybe it was a buggy compile since it was the first one after patch day. Please help i dont know what to try
If you are having crashing issues, there are two ways to fix it:

RGUpdate 1.1 users:

Open RGUpdate, click "settings" and uncheck:


(while you're there, make sure overwrite macros is checked!)

Click save, and then click update.

Everyone else:

Go to your MQ2 Release folder. Edit MacroQuest.ini

Scroll down to [Plugins] and delete any line that matches the following:

Rich (BB code):

You should be good to go.

All of these plugins are now obsolete. Some are retired (otd, for example) others have been incorporated into other plugins or MQ2 itself (/timestamp no longer requires a plugin, GearScore is now incorporated into MQ2ItemDisplay). All of their .dll files are safe to delete from your MQ2 folder.

(make sure overwrite macros is checked!)
Question - Macroquest is Blocking Sony Crash report

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