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Macro's (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Wondering if NODelay Ghostkill still around other web page's say ghostkill still avaiable and a new version of Nodelay with weopens for all class's that can melee just wondering if these is true and if anyone interested in Trading Cheats Hacks for Gear or something sence It takes high lvl character's to kill raid mobs with hacks can send me Emails at [email protected]
Watch Macro's are their still left and what they do if possible MQ and EQ are Written in C++ is that correct also someone tells me Memory does not matter so much when playing EQ but they quallity and your hard drive does
Until i'm shown specificly otherwise , yes it is true. Nodelay is dead and gone. I heard you posted the source for a few hours and that was only the old ND with the old move packet struct. We all know this was fixed.

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