Servers down so, doing some PC clean up =P Thought someone might find use in this.
Short Explanation: Automate mage to cast "Grant suchandsuch" spell X times at the sender
Keywords: mask, weapons, focus, armor
IE " /bct magetoon mask 40"
Long explanation:
I find a decent source of bazaar income comes from selling Mage pet toys. Loading a bazaar mule is tedious so I drummed up a small macro to help with the process. It is nothing fancy, and it is not self automated. You can accomplish the same thing using ingame hotbuttons. That being said, what I did was make it so I can run this macro on my mage, then load the bazaar toon and physically see the amount of open space, and decide how much of what I want. Then I tell the mage how much of what I want. Mage will target the sender, and repeat the spell how ever many times you tell it to.
There is no logic to put them items on order... IE if you send in 5 requests without waiting for each request to finish, it will go wonky and probably end up with 1-2 of each except the last request. All it is is doing is watching for a keyword and amount, then telling MQ2Cast what to cast and how many time... but it does take out the tediousness of poking a button 40 time, or typing it all out.
You may want to set up some sort of /autoinventory cycle on your bazaar mule. I use MQ2Cursor.
That long explanation done with... just look over the macro and, if your mage is not 105, adjust what spell is being cast, or the keywords if you want something different.
Short Explanation: Automate mage to cast "Grant suchandsuch" spell X times at the sender
Keywords: mask, weapons, focus, armor
IE " /bct magetoon mask 40"
Long explanation:
I find a decent source of bazaar income comes from selling Mage pet toys. Loading a bazaar mule is tedious so I drummed up a small macro to help with the process. It is nothing fancy, and it is not self automated. You can accomplish the same thing using ingame hotbuttons. That being said, what I did was make it so I can run this macro on my mage, then load the bazaar toon and physically see the amount of open space, and decide how much of what I want. Then I tell the mage how much of what I want. Mage will target the sender, and repeat the spell how ever many times you tell it to.
There is no logic to put them items on order... IE if you send in 5 requests without waiting for each request to finish, it will go wonky and probably end up with 1-2 of each except the last request. All it is is doing is watching for a keyword and amount, then telling MQ2Cast what to cast and how many time... but it does take out the tediousness of poking a button 40 time, or typing it all out.
You may want to set up some sort of /autoinventory cycle on your bazaar mule. I use MQ2Cursor.
That long explanation done with... just look over the macro and, if your mage is not 105, adjust what spell is being cast, or the keywords if you want something different.
Rich (BB code):
|Trader pet toys: used to load up trader with mage pet toys
| run on mage, have trader say in /bc what item and amount wanted
| possible keywords: mask, weapons, focus, armor
| Example "/bc mask 17"
| The mage will target the sender, and summon X item X amount of times
| Required Plugin:
| MQ2Cast
#event EQBC "<#1#> #2#"
Sub Main
/if (${Me.Class.ShortName.NotEqual[MAG]}) {
/echo This macro is for a MAGE!!!
/delay 1s
/if (${Window[TradeWnd].HisTradeReady} && ${MasterList.Find[${Window[TradeWnd].Child[TRDW_HisName].Text}]}) /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /AUTOINV
/delay 2s
/goto :mainloop
Sub Event_EQBC(EQBCSay,EQBCSender,EQBCCommand)
/if (${EQBCCommand.Left[1].Equal[/]}) {
/docommand ${EQBCCommand}
} else {
/call Event_Chat "EQBC" "${EQBCSender}" "${EQBCCommand}"
Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string Sender,string ChatText)
/if (${ChatText.Find[weapons]}) {
/target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].CleanName}
/delay 1s
/casting "Grant Thassis' Armaments" gem3 -recast|${ChatText.Arg[2]}
/bc [+g+]Casting [+y+]"Grant Thassis' Armaments" [+g+]at [+m+]${Target.CleanName} [+o+]${ChatText.Arg[2]} [+g+]times
/if (${ChatText.Find[mask]}) {
/target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].CleanName}
/delay 1s
/casting "Grant Visor of Gobeker" gem1 -recast|${ChatText.Arg[2]}
/bc [+g+]Casting [+y+]""Grant Visor of Gobeker" [+g+]at [+m+]${Target.CleanName} [+o+]${ChatText.Arg[2]} [+g+]times
/if (${ChatText.Find[armor]}) {
/target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].CleanName}
/delay 1s
/casting "Grant Thassis' Plate" gem1 -recast|${ChatText.Arg[2]}
/bc [+g+]Casting [+y+]"Grant Thassis' Plate" [+g+]at [+m+]${Target.CleanName} [+o+]${ChatText.Arg[2]} [+g+]times
/if (${ChatText.Find[focus]}) {
/target ${Spawn[pc ${Sender}].CleanName}
/delay 1s
/casting "Grant Calix's Heirlooms" gem1 -recast|${ChatText.Arg[2]}
/bc [+g+]Casting [+y+]"Grant Calix's Heirlooms" [+g+]at [+m+]${Target.CleanName} [+o+]${ChatText.Arg[2]} [+g+]times
/if (${ChatText.Find[HELP]}) {
/bc [+y+] Help Commands!!
/delays 1s
/bc [+y+] This macro is intended to help load up trader toons with mage summoned items. Issue a keyword plus the amount you wish
/delay 1s
/bc [+y+] Keywords = weapons, mask, armor, and focus
/delay 1s
/bc [+y+] example = [+g+] /bc mask 30 [+y+] will cause the mage to target the requester and summon X item X amount of times.