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/mapfillter (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 5, 2006
With the newest compile Jmo, not all npc show up on the map only once close to me. I can seem to find the toggle to fix this.
I found my Answer, and curse SoE. That map was the bigest thing with MQ that i loved and nerfed to hell. Wonder how ranger track works it must now have to poll the server and not just the client. Huuum.............
From what I understand, Rangers can see more on their map. I could be wrong though. The main reason they changed how the client receives mob spawns is because of them updating the way Track works.

And yes, I'm there with you. MQ2Map was has always been my favorite plugin and was the reason I started using MQ2 in the first place. A friend showed me the map and I never looked back. I hope the MQ2 Devs or someone else finds a workaround for this eventually.

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