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Question - May I have some help with AltAdvance format in character_server_shits.ini (1 Viewer)


Oct 31, 2015
I have been searching all over for information to get eq2melee to use AltAdvance skills. Here has been my best effort. Any feedback or reference material would be fantastic.

This is from my character_server_shits.ini. Last line in question.
Spell^1^=^Malthiasiss's Bite Rk. II^Detrimental^Single^25575
Spell^2^=^Touch of Tharoff^Detrimental^LifeTap^19352
Spell^3^=^Malarian Spear Rk. II^Detrimental^Single^19335
Spell^4^=^Festering Darkness^Detrimental^Single^3400
Spell^7^=^Tiny Companion^Beneficial(Group)^Pet^3583
Spell^8^=^Gift of Dyalgem Rk. II^Beneficial^Pet^25605
Spell^9^=^Minion of Fear Rk. II^Beneficial^Self^25618
Spell^10^=^Decrepit Skin^Beneficial^Self^8484
Spell^11^=^Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. II^Beneficial^Self^19308
Spell^12^=^Amygdalan Horror Rk. II^Beneficial^Self^25557
Item^1^=^Geomantra V^Whisper-Steel Loop^Beneficial^20532
Item^3^=^Form of Endurance VII^Silver Mesh Veil^Beneficial^20522
Item^4^=^Geomantra V^Echoing Loop of Ryken^Beneficial^20532
Item^11^=^Prismatic Ward III^The Root of All Evil^Beneficial^20524
Item^15^=^Form of Defense VI^Vicious Loop of the Crowbane^Beneficial^15868
Item^16^=^Form of Defense VII^Woven Steel Fingerguard^Beneficial^20520
Item^17^=^Form of Endurance VII^Plated Deathshroud^Beneficial^20522
Item^20^=^Expanding Mind II^Grendlaen Hide Belt^Beneficial^20530
Item^22^=^Desiccated Topiary Lion^Desiccated Hedgerow Leaf^Beneficial^23469
InvItem^13^=^Form of Endurance IV^Bikk's Faceplate^Beneficial^7840
InvItem^14^=^Soothing Puff of Breath II^Paragon's Earring of the Combatant^Beneficial^21906
InvItem^18^=^Form of Endurance V^Zealot's Faceguard of Terrified Aggression^Beneficial^9688
InvItem^111^=^Hateful Guard^Krupp's Drape of Exploration^Beneficial^6373
InvItem^114^=^Might of the Giants^Paragon's Ear Stud of the Combatant^Beneficial^9623
InvItem^117^=^Maelin's Meditation^Thick Banded Belt^Beneficial^3712
InvItem^118^=^Aura of Eternity^Faceted Bloodstone Earring^Beneficial^3627
InvItem^27^=^Might of the Giants^Ring of the Fearborn^Beneficial^9623
InvItem^28^=^Summon Drogmor^Glowing Black Drum^Beneficial^3822
InvItem^212^=^Nimbus of Jack^Aura of Jack^Beneficial^20742
InvItem^213^=^Nimbus of Fire and Ice^Nimbus of Fire and Ice^Beneficial^24052
InvItem^214^=^Nimbus of Discordant Energy^Nimbus of Discordant Energy^Beneficial^20145
InvItem^215^=^Nimbus of the Faceless^Nimbus of the Faceless^Beneficial^12908
InvItem^216^=^Nimbus of the Obliteration Army^Token of the Obliteration Army^Beneficial^21637
InvItem^310^=^Swiftness^Potion of Speed^Beneficial^12868
InvItem^315^=^Restore Spirit^Elixir of Refreshment^Beneficial^6722
InvItem^316^=^Restore Health^Elixir of Replenishment^Beneficial^6721
InvItem^416^=^Eye of Zomm^Holgresh Elder Beads^Beneficial^323
InvItem^417^=^Read Book^Food-stained Booklet^Beneficial^12483
InvItem^513^=^Use Ability^Sokokar Cage^Beneficial^7651
InvItem^523^=^Abyssal Steed^Abyssal Steed^Beneficial^8978
InvItem^63^=^Spirit of Wolf^Philter of the Wolf V^Beneficial^278
InvItem^64^=^Scorpion's Agony Poison VIII^Scorpion's Agony XV^Beneficial^22045
InvItem^65^=^Distillate of Skinspikes^Distillate of Skinspikes XIII^Beneficial^5147
InvItem^66^=^Resonant Magic V^Tonic of Resonant Magic XII^Beneficial^21866
InvItem^67^=^Gate^Philter of Major Translocation^Beneficial^36
InvItem^68^=^Gate^Philter of Major Translocation^Beneficial^36
InvItem^69^=^Invisibility^Cloudy Potion^Beneficial^42
InvItem^610^=^Invisibility^Cloudy Potion^Beneficial^42
InvItem^611^=^Ant Legs^Philter of the Ant^Beneficial(Group)^1874
InvItem^612^=^Illusion: Kobold^Essence of Kobold^Beneficial^4024
InvItem^613^=^Ant Legs^Philter of the Ant^Beneficial(Group)^1874
InvItem^614^=^Ant Legs^Philter of the Ant^Beneficial(Group)^1874
InvItem^615^=^Portal of the Harbingers^Harbinger's Staff^Beneficial^37801
InvItem^616^=^Brell's Rest Gate^Mark of Brell^Beneficial^21987
InvItem^723^=^Lich Sting^Innoruuk's Dark Blessing^Beneficial^6268
InvItem^725^=^Fellowship Calling^Fellowship Registration Insignia^Beneficial^7618
InvItem^728^=^Myrmidon's Skill VI^Bubbling Shoulderpads^Beneficial^23413
InvItem^731^=^Form of Endurance XI^Distorting Crystal Grimace^Beneficial^23392
InvItem^92^=^Illusion: Drakkin of Venesh^Essence of Drakkin^Beneficial^10607
InvItem^93^=^Visage of the Vitrik^Visage of the Vitrik^Beneficial^24050
InvItem^94^=^Illusion: Feir'Dal^Crown of Deceit^Beneficial^1194
InvItem^95^=^Pet Illusion: Mad Jester^Petamorph Wand - Mad Jester^Beneficial^33084
InvItem^96^=^Illusion: Skeleton^Amulet of Necropotence^Beneficial^581
InvItem^97^=^Illusion: Embattled Minotaur^Visage of the Embattled Minotaur^Beneficial^20142
InvItem^98^=^Illusion: Dragorn^Dragorn War Mask^Beneficial^9697
InvItem^99^=^Illusion: Fallen Knight^Polymorph Wand: Fallen Knight^Beneficial^38376
InvItem^910^=^Illusion: Runic Tattoo Nihil Male^Polymorph Wand: Runic Tattoo Nihil - Male^Beneficial^33575
InvItem^911^=^Illusion: Aqua Goblin^Visage of Farfathom^Beneficial^37504
InvItem^912^=^Illusion: Phantom Froglok^Polymorph Wand: Phantom Froglok^Beneficial^33576
InvItem^913^=^Illusion: Dark Elf^Guise of the Deceiver^Beneficial^590
InvItem^914^=^Familiar: Crimson Spiroc^Familiar of the Spiroc Roostmaster^Beneficial^20154
InvItem^915^=^Illusion: Mastruq^Mastruq Bone Mask^Beneficial^37659
InvItem^916^=^Illusion: Guktan^Mask of the Lost Guktan^Beneficial^4017
InvItem^109^=^Invisibility^Cloudy Potion^Beneficial^42
InvItem^1011^=^Invisibility^Cloudy Potion^Beneficial^42
InvItem^1012^=^Invisibility^Cloudy Potion^Beneficial^42
InvItem^1013^=^Ant Legs^Philter of the Ant^Beneficial(Group)^1874
Disc^1^=^Last Breath Rk. II^disc^None^None
Disc^3^=^Last Gasp^disc^None^None
Disc^4^=^Defy Rk. II^disc^None^None
Disc^5^=^Leechcurse Discipline^disc^None^None
Disc^6^=^Ichor Guard^disc^None^None
Disc^7^=^Soul Shield^disc^None^None
Disc^8^=^Fearless Discipline^disc^None^None
Disc^9^=^Umbral Carapace Rk. II^disc^None^None
Disc^10^=^Malarian Carapace^disc^None^None
Disc^11^=^Gorgon Mantle Rk. II^disc^None^None
Disc^12^=^Gorgon Carapace Rk. II^disc^None^None
Disc^13^=^Resistant Discipline^disc^None^None
Disc^14^=^Unholy Aura Discipline^disc^None^None
AltAbility^1^=^Encroaching Darkness^Detrimental^Single^826


downshit0=/if (${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[Gift of Dyalgem Rk. II]}&& ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Gift of Dyalgem Rk. II]} && ${Spell[Gift of Dyalgem Rk. II].Stacks} && !${Select[${Zone.ID},151,202,203,219,344,345,463,33480,33113]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis}) /multiline ; /target ${Me.Spawn.Pet.CleanName} ; /casting "Gift of Dyalgem Rk. II" gem8
downshit1=/if (!${Me.Buff[Minion of Fear Rk. II].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Minion of Fear Rk. II]} && ${Spell[Minion of Fear Rk. II].Stacks} && !${Select[${Zone.ID},151,202,203,219,344,345,463,33480,33113]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Minion of Fear Rk. II" gem9
downshit2=/if (!${Me.Buff[Decrepit Skin].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Decrepit Skin]} && ${Spell[Decrepit Skin].Stacks} && !${Select[${Zone.ID},151,202,203,219,344,345,463,33480,33113]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Decrepit Skin" gem10
downshit3=/if (!${Me.Buff[Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. II].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. II]} && ${Spell[Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. II].Stacks} && !${Select[${Zone.ID},151,202,203,219,344,345,463,33480,33113]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Shroud of the Blightborn Rk. II" gem11
downshit4=/if (!${Me.Buff[Amygdalan Horror Rk. II].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Amygdalan Horror Rk. II]} && ${Spell[Amygdalan Horror Rk. II].Stacks} && !${Select[${Zone.ID},151,202,203,219,344,345,463,33480,33113]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Amygdalan Horror Rk. II" gem12
; holyflagX=1
; holyshitX=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<22 && ${Target.Fleeing} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Encroaching Darkness]} && ${Target.Speed}<50) /casting "Encroaching Darkness" alt

holyshit0=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<60 && ${Target.PctHPs}>80 && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Malthiasiss's Bite Rk. II]}) /casting "Malthiasiss's Bite Rk. II" gem1
holyshit1=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<60 && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && ${Target.PctHPs}>40 && ${Cast.Ready[Touch of Tharoff]}) /casting "Touch of Tharoff" gem2
holyshit10=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Fearless Discipline]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Fearless Discipline" disc
holyshit11=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Umbral Carapace Rk. II]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Umbral Carapace Rk. II" disc
holyshit12=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Malarian Carapace]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Malarian Carapace" disc
holyshit13=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Gorgon Mantle Rk. II]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Gorgon Mantle Rk. II" disc
holyshit14=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Gorgon Carapace Rk. II]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Gorgon Carapace Rk. II" disc
holyshit15=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Resistant Discipline]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Resistant Discipline" disc
holyshit16=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<29 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Unholy Aura Discipline]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Unholy Aura Discipline" disc
holyshit2=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<60 && ${Target.PctHPs}>80 && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Malarian Spear Rk. II]}) /casting "Malarian Spear Rk. II" gem3
holyshit3=/if (!${Me.Buff[Decrepit Skin].ID} && ${Me.PctMana}>30 && ${Cast.Ready[Decrepit Skin]} && ${Spell[Decrepit Skin].Stacks} && !${Select[${Zone.ID},151,202,203,219,344,345,463,33480,33113]} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Decrepit Skin" gem10
holyshit4=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Withstand]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Withstand" disc
holyshit5=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Last Gasp]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Last Gasp" disc
holyshit6=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Defy Rk. II]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Defy Rk. II" disc
holyshit7=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<25 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Leechcurse Discipline]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Leechcurse Discipline" disc
holyshit8=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Ichor Guard]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Ichor Guard" disc
holyshit9=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Soul Shield]} && ${Melee.DiscID}==0) /casting "Soul Shield" disc

Thank you
I am taking it you are having issues with the
Rich (BB code):
; holyshitX=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<22 && ${Target.Fleeing} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Encroaching Darkness]} && ${Target.Speed}<50) /casting "Encroaching Darkness" alt
I have not personally used the fleeing tag off hand, or target speed, so no idea on how well it works.

Tired and not recalling basic run speed, but that would only snare a mob who is already moving slower then 50.

Personally, I would have it more like
Rich (BB code):
holyshitX=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<30 && !${Target.Snared.ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Encroaching Darkness]}) /casting "Encroaching Darkness" alt

the snared check will cover if someone else has already snared it as well as if you have, so you aren't trying to cast snare on it again and again while it is already snared (not that it should happen that often with the long recast)

and the higher HP% would give you time to recast in case of resistance.

.Snared works well with traditional spells, but misses out on the oddly named item triggers on a few things.

- - - Updated - - -

are you really trying to cast every disc you have during each fight? I know I am tired but you seem to have multiple instances of disc lines there... like 3-4 "carapace" which all work off the same timer... with and defy I believe are the same line as well.

Sorry, just a little boggled by the line up there.
Last edited:
It works, I made it look like this :

Rich (BB code):
holyshit24=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<30 && !${Target.Snared.ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[826]}) /alt act "826" alt

Thank you Warl0ck45! and Thank you drcrimzon !!

are you really trying to cast every disc you have during each fight? I know I am tired but you seem to have multiple instances of disc lines there... like 3-4 "carapace" which all work off the same timer... with and defy I believe are the same line as well.

Sorry, just a little boggled by the line up there.

This is my first time working a mq2melee.ini with shits. I have taken them out thank you for the observation :)

- - - Updated - - -

So I am under the impression that character_server_shits.ini is only to help build the server_character.ini and I don't need to add the AA information to that file for it to be used ... lol /bonk

I learned so much ! :dance:
Just to toss this out as you may find it interesting then

Rich (BB code):
holyshit7=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Unholy Guardian Discipline].RankName}]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>5300 && !${Melee.DiscID}) /disc ${Spell[Unholy Guardian Discipline].RankName}
holyshit8=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Doomscale Mantle].RankName}]} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Unholy Guardian Discipline].RankName}]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>7700 && !${Melee.DiscID}) /disc ${Spell[Doomscale Mantle].RankName}
holyshit9=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Grelleth's Carapace].RankName}]} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Doomscale Mantle].RankName}]} && !${Me.CombatAbilityReady[${Spell[Unholy Guardian Discipline].RankName}]} && ${Target.Named} && ${Me.CurrentEndurance}>2700 && !${Melee.DiscID}) /disc ${Spell[Grelleth's Carapace].RankName}

SK/Pal get roughly 3 damage mitigation disc lines

The first line checks if first damage mitigation disc is ready, the target is named , endurance is over needed level, and there is no current disc running
The second line does everything the first line does, plus makes sure the first disc is unavailable (so you can use them in a set order ever time)
Third line repeats the process.

Unholy Guardian is 36% damage mitigation + lifetaps
Mantle is 35%
Carapace is 20%

Anyways, other folks may have different opinions on it. I do mine this way to insure I get the best protection possible first. There are other things you can do as well, like Third Spire of the Reaver, Shield flash (short but endurance free) Reaver's Bargian (75% damage mitigation for damage over 25k) and of course BP clickies. I am sure other folks can toss in a few more suggestions.

Unless you want your disc's firing on every fight (which will drain your endurance fast. Not to mention, if you need them on every trash fight, you may be a little out of your depth) you may want to look into some additional restriction. The example code there only fires when facing Named.

Rich (BB code):
(${Target.Named} || ${Target.Level}>=(${Me.Level}+2) || ${Me.XTarget}>2) && ${Group.MainTank.ID}==${Me.ID}

My macro has an include file that handles defensive measures. Part of the call line to fire them off looks something like this. If the target is a named...OR the target level is 2+ levels over tank... OR if I have more then 2 mobs on XTarget window... and I am the groups main tank... then it fires off damage mitigation stuff.

Anyways, just tossing out that stuff in case they peak your interest =)
Great post, War... I think I've found the person who's brain I will be picking in the future about getting my holies setup properly :)
I use those same sets for names too, I also use a couple others with this basic setup:
Rich (BB code):
${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50 zradius 10]}>3 || ${Me.PctHPs}<40)
just to try and keep me safe from those "oops" moments
Question - May I have some help with AltAdvance format in character_server_shits.ini

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