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melee ghost plugin (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 20, 2005
hello i herd about a ghost plugin just like the original ghost but it lets you melee insted of only ranged wepions and backstabing. i was wondering if any one could conferm that this is true. and maby point me in the right direction to find it. thank you
Seems impossible to me, cause what I think ghost does is block the new location packets sent to the server, therefore not changing your position (much like going linkdead) so the server thiks you're at point A, while the mob is across the zone at point B, and because the server still thinks you're at point A you can't hit the mob at point B cause you're thought to still be at point A
Did (does posably) exsist, cronics advghost plug... what got me banned for 2 weeks (coz im stupid and stupid ppl get banned:p) was killing rss mobs RC lots of pop mobs... i abused it lol

for all intents and pourposes its nerfed, heard roumers of some ppl running around with a working version, but if i was them i wudnt tell any one about it!! or share it!
Nerfed...only for exploring and looting.

However, I've seen someone using it in Chardok since it was nerfed but havent' seen them since to find out where they got it.
melee ghost plugin

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