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MMoRPG Phrase Translations (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 22, 2006
I know some of you out there are new to this whole MMoRPG thing, so I thought I would do you a big favour and show you what people are really saying when they use some common MMoRPG phrases.

First we begin with this common phrase, mostly commonly heard from young males:

Sorry guys, I have to camp. My gf just came over.

What they want you to think
They are attractive to the opposite sex.

What it really means
Parents just got home

Ah, the infamous girlfriend. It's incredible how many nerds who play games for 12 hours a day are getting laid! Which brings us to:

Damn, I have to camp right now. My gf wants to have sex!

What they want you to think
They've touched a female in naughty places. A real live human female.

What it really means
Dinner's ready and Mom is pissed.

At this point I should mention the golden rule of online games. The more someone talks about getting laid, the less they are. Now I'm sure most of you will have seen this one before. It usually comes after you kill their lvl 10 Warrior in one hit:

If I wasn't on this quest I'd log on my lvl 60 and kick your ass. Pussy.

What they want you to think
They have mastered this game and you only killed them because they let you.

What it really means
I just got this game and my only character is lvl 10, but that's not going to stop me from being an internet badass.

The internet badass. It's amazing how many people you meet online wrestle Vin Diesel for the right to have hot sex with J-Lo while simultaneously soloing the plane of time. The only thing more common than the internet badass is the internet alcoholic. This phrase translation should help in your future dealings:

Dude, I'm so drunk right now. Who wants to 5-man scholomance?

What they want you to think
They are mature rebels

What it really means
Dad caught me sneaking one of his Bud Lights and now I have to sit on an inflatable pillow or my ass gets sore.

If your parents keep the vodka in the freezer, don't try replacing it with water. From internet drunks, to internet manginas, this phrase should help in all your dealings with scantily clad female night-elfs:

Tee-Hee, you are so naughty. Can I do a /dance for you?

What they want you to think
They are an attractive elf of the female variety

What it really means
They are a male of the pimpled variety

Finaly we come to the disgruntled father of two. This sad specimen can usually be identified by their level 20 character on a year old account. They often log at innorportune times and can be heard venting on teamspeak over the crying sounds of children begging to play "Reader Rabbit Learns Phonics".

Work sucks, my wife won't stop bitching and I haven't gotten laid in 4 months.

What they want you to think
Work sucks, my wife won't stop bitching and I haven't gotten laid in 4 months.

What it really means
Work sucks, my wife won't stop bitching and I haven't gotten laid in 4 months.
haha, I dig it.

If you have a girlfriend you MUST mention that you have one in guildchat twice a day. That's the most important RL quality you can possess.

Sorry guys, I have to log. My best friend's mom just got very sick and has to go to the hospital.

What they want you to think
They are kind, caring and considerate; willing to drop everything at a moment's notice to come to the aid of others.

What it really means
If I have to sit through another day of raiding this fucking instance over and over, I'm going to SCREAM! Screw you people. I''m going to go watch Family Guy.
Excellent post.

Fuck you, you fucking stupid ass bitch cock fag homo!!!111 If I knew where you lived I'd kick the shit out of your god damn fucking ass and tear off your i'm an idiot head and break your fucking legs you cock sucking shit fucker!!!1

What they want you to think:
They are a tough hardcore, 6'8'' 259 lb. bodybuilding Marine Drill Instructor/Ultimate Fighting Champion with enough money to travel wherever they need to, in order to infict pain, death and foul language upon those who wrong them on the internet.

What it really means:
If they receive one more swirlie or wedgie when they go back to school tomorrow, and have not vented in this manner, they will once again cry themselves to sleep.
MMoRPG Phrase Translations

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