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modify xylobot script for mq2? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2005
if this is unappropriate in the redguides i will edit and delete.

But I have been using xylobot for a long time. Forage macros, spell casting and some other repedative crap.

They have the MCS script which is for total hands free multi boxing.

Could that script be edited to work with MQ2?

I can post the mcs script here if it is ok with the admins

As I said before, afaik you can post ANY program, script, plugin, whatever. Go ahead and post it, the worst that can happen if your thread will get deleted 8-)
Cade said:
As I said before, afaik you can post ANY program, script, plugin, whatever. Go ahead and post it, the worst that can happen if your thread will get deleted 8-)

hmm in that case any one got a script/program for keeping the GF happy while i play eq :p ?
ok then

I will find some of the write ups on this.. but basically you run xylobot and bring up the mcs (master control script)
you have a passworded channel
and all commands are given to your BOT army throught that channel.

this is the main file .. saved as text

it was to big to post as code or to attach

file name master-new.h

this is the file with your preferences in it

Rich (BB code):
// ***********************************************************************************
// code word that can be used by people NOT on userlist to do commands
KeyWord := 'code';
// the channel the bot will hang out in and accept commands and give information to
ChannelName := 'mysecretchannel';
// the password for the above channel
ChannelPassword := 'guess';
// ***********************************************************************************

// You can fiddle with the rest of this stuff if you want.  The defaults will satisfy most
// if sent this word during a spell cast, she will duck (and if she has a horse, /dismount first)
AbortCast := 'cancel';
// how many times the bot will try and recast a spell that is not recovered from yet (integer, suggested 3)
MaxRecoverRecasts := 3;
// will the bot announce their mana every GstatusTimer minutes to default chan (True/False, suggested True so you know what bots mana is
GstatusAnnounce := false;
// how often will bot announce their mana to default chan (integer in minutes, suggested 5+ so you don't annoy your group)
GstatusTimer := 5;
// will the bot recast spells before they fade (True/False, suggested False until you have tried it)
WantToRecast := False;
// will the bot switch out spells when it needs to recast them (True/False, suggested True so you get your buffs)
SwitchSpells := True;
// will the bot resend tells it recieves to the above channel (True/False, suggested True so you don't miss any tells)
ResendTells := True;
// does the bot own a horse (True/False, suggested to match if you have horse or not)
HaveHorse := False;
// name of the spell you have defined for the horse in myspells.ini (and maybe static.ini).  It is a button/item so define it as such. (string, suggested to be what your horse spell is called)
HorseSpellName := 'horse';
// controls how chatty the bot is, 1 is very quiet, 2 is pretty quiet and 3 is everything (1-3, suggested 3)
VerbositySetting := 3;
// will the bot check which spells are mem'd when you start the script, useful but can be annoying (True/False, suggested False)
CheckGemsOnStart := False;
// close the debug window at startup (and a few other times, like when pixeldebug is turned off) (True/False, suggested True)
CloseDebugWindowAtStart := False;
// Where stuff sent to "notify" is sent (True/False, suggested True for chat, False for Debug)
UseDebugForNotify := False;
UseChatForNotify  := True;
// time in milliseconds to wait between changing targets (integer, suggested 500.  raise if having targeting issues)
TargetDelay := 500;
// will the bot sit or stay standing after casting a spell (True/False, suggested True so the bot meds)
SitAfterCast := True;
// how long will the bot wait after casting a spell (integer in seconds, suggested to avoid immediate sit agro)
SitDelay := 5;
// will the bot queue up commands while it is doing other stuff
BufferCommands := True;
// will the bot gate if she is hit (True/False, suggested False... don't want her leaving in a fight)
GateWhenHit := False;
// Name of gate spell to use in gate when hit
GateSpellName := 'gate';
// will the bot quit when hit (True/False, suggested False.. so she doesn't leave in a fight)
QuitWhenHit := False;
// will the bot quit when it is dead (True/False, suggested False... so you can rez her)
QuitWhenDead := False;
// at what health will the bot quit/gate (a float between .01 and 1.0 (1% - 100%)
QuitGateThreshold := 0.10;
// will the bot UNTARGET (press esc key) before trying to target something (True/Flase, suggested True... so bot doesn't cast spells on wrong thing)
UntargetFirst := True;
// will the bot forage in the background
doForage := False;
// where is the forage key actually set at (hotpage/hotbutton)
ForageBankNumber := 0;
ForageKeyNumber := 1;
// should we run group set automatcially when someone joins or leaves?
GroupAutoUpdate := False;
// do you want to cast spells based on just their name? Set to false to use the cast keyword
UseNameToCast := True;
// do you want group members able to give commands
GroupChat := False;
// do you want to auto detect the latest logfile
DetectLog := False;

there is a mcs help.chm file
it has good info in it about mcs


i hope i don't hurt your brains to bad
Oh this could come in handy when I 2box my clr and warrior. I usually just leave clr on a heal bot, but you know them crazy monks and their pulls lol
Your link dosen't work for me but it almost sound like Gen bot and a Pull mac could work together for the desired effect. But since i can't see what it dose i am not sure. ;)
modify xylobot script for mq2?

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