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Question - Monitor Chat Channel Outside Game? (1 Viewer)

Nov 7, 2005
Is there a current method of monitoring Chat Channel messages?

Let's take 2 computers, one is running an instance of EQ in a closet while 2nd computer is at my desk for "serious work" with no EQ.

I want to see what's happening in chat on that work computer. Reply would be an optional feature.

I know I could easily tweak MQ2Gmail to send chat digests to e-mail but that does not sound the best way for something like general chat channel.

I seem to remember that there was even an official offline chat client a long time ago for EQ in Sony days. Or am I dreaming? :)
Replying is easy, use EQBC.

You could always just turn on logging and read the logs as they update...or set something up to automatically update the logs to a server so all you have to do is click refresh to read them.
Question - Monitor Chat Channel Outside Game?

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