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Discussion - Most hated class? (2 Viewers)

What class do you hate the most?

  • Total voters
Jan 1, 2023
It's one thing to not like playing a class but what class do you despise the most.
Either you hate playing the class or you can't stand it when that class joins your party or raid.
Then post in the comments why you picked that class.
Do they need too much babysitting?
Do they fill your spell slots with several useless spells? (looking at YOU dead man floating)
Are they too annoying to play?
Did they used to be awesome but got beat down by the nerf hammer and now the memory of how good they used to be triggers you?
I don't really hate any of the classes. I put Bard because I give Bards grief. But I have 4 Bards now including the one I just bought today. LoL. And some of the best people I know are Bards.
I could never play a Bard properly I don't think. The Best Bards are admirable.
I guess the real answer for me would be Warrior. I have 50 something toons now and one 85 Warrior. It's the only plugin I don't own. I don't hate them I just prefer the offense/defense of the Hybrid tanks. Warriors and Clerics are a pair best suited for raiding. Luckily we have others willing to play Warrior.
I feel monks are most hated right now because of the significant DPS boost they received earlier this year, via an EQ patch, and how quickly they let that go to their heads. You know what I am talking about, the ones who join pickup groups, paste DPS meters in group chat every boss fight, and trash talk other DPS classes.

At least when Necros were in the hot seat, they were humbled by crap dps on short fights.
You're like, "Necro??? Who hates Necros?? Who in his right mind voted for Necros??? Necros be tots bussin, yo!"

If you're wondering who the nincompoop was who voted Necro, it was me. Why? I can't offer a rational explanation. It's just an aversion I can't explain.

I'm sure I'm wrong about it, but it seemed that they didn't bring anything to the table I couldn't get from another class. I'd say they're best feature, from my perspective, is their pet. Hell, even ENCs are better nukers.
I don't hate any classes but voted 'zerkers due to the axe mechanic. I may be missing something but can't see how it adds to the gameplay of the class.
"Least "Favorite" Class" I like better, Druid is 2nd to last though I love them, been one for 23 years.
Monk for top spot, simply cause I have all the classes (even 2 of some classes) but no monks.
I welcome them and any class of players into my grp enjoying their company.
Biology is my most hated class...sucks worse than Paladins...

dna biology GIF
I picked Shaman based entirely on the fact that some of the most annoying players I ever had to deal with played them. I'm fairly sure that one I knew was running some sort of early automation back around '08 because the moron would constantly drop the big nasty slow on mobs when I was attempting to break a camp and then whine that it was the Bard's fault when the group of slackers I was playing with got trained.
No one hates a beastlord?!
Well they are monk shamans so most people that hate them probably don't like them because the class they are a hybrid of. I only have 1 monk and 1 beastlord out of 6 accounts because i didn't like monks from the start so when beastlords came out i was saying they are just weaker monks with shaman pet and spells but weaker than both.
If done right as hybrid class is great like lots of people love SK and they are just warrior/necromancers because a warrior with life tap , feign death and can pet pull make it worth while.
But beastlords don't get the monks feign death and seem to be a combination of the weakest parts of both.
Wizard. No matter how many times I try to macro one, self made or others, the don't work. So I get is unnecessary mana dump on one mob then worthless for the next 10 mobs.
I hate beastlords, but only because back in the day they made my shaman main useless in groups. I couldn't heal well enough to be the main healer, but the beastlord could slow and out DPS me. I quit the game for 15 years because of beasties :-(
I hate beastlords, mages, and druids. All of them have serious mana issues. They do great for about 5 min then they are OOM and useless.

To all you hating on monks....

Let us bask in the glory while it lasts.

Monks have been the red headed step child, sent off to play in the road while the golden children get all the cool toys.
No one hates a beastlord?!
KoKO how can you hate a Beastlord it's like the bastard child of a Shaman and a Monk with a great pet. Pisses me off Shaman doesn't get a better pet. The will if I make an EMU.

I hate beastlords, but only because back in the day they made my shaman main useless in groups. I couldn't heal well enough to be the main healer, but the beastlord could slow and out DPS me. I quit the game for 15 years because of beasties :-(
You should have picked another class with canni and regen a shaman can keep splash heals up in any era.

I keep hearing Mages have Mana issues my Mages never drop below 70% mana for real.

You guys see that pull down tab in the bazaar? It has an option for mana regen that is how you solve mana problems. Look for items with mana regen. then gear damage if you want.

Paladin…..the bastardized step child of the tanks……until they bring back events requiring splash I’m considering repping all paladins in armies 🤣
My Pally would wipe the floor with your best SK.
I voted cleric, not because I necessarily hate them. More so that I feel they get the shaft.

Shamans bring good melee Adps, solid dot dps and buffs and respectable healing and CC utilities/debuffs. Thier squall line is a great heal

Druids have very good caster Adps, respectable enough healing and some utilities for CC and kiting.

Clerics offer overkill healing and don't really boost anyone else aside from mitigation unless they are fighting undead. I feel clerics should continue to boost defenses but they should be able to drop some decent dps realtive to druids and shamans in the form of their melee/summoned hammer. I think they have the framework already set but a few adjustments will bring clerics a boost in the fun department.
I voted cleric, not because I necessarily hate them. More so that I feel they get the shaft.

Shamans bring good melee Adps, solid dot dps and buffs and respectable healing and CC utilities/debuffs. Thier squall line is a great heal

Druids have very good caster Adps, respectable enough healing and some utilities for CC and kiting.

Clerics offer overkill healing and don't really boost anyone else aside from mitigation unless they are fighting undead. I feel clerics should continue to boost defenses but they should be able to drop some decent dps realtive to druids and shamans in the form of their melee/summoned hammer. I think they have the framework already set but a few adjustments will bring clerics a boost in the fun department.
Clerics are right there as pallly for me for the same reason.

My Pally would wipe the floor with your best SK.
….Can I have some of whatever drug you’re on? Cuz god damn it must be good stuff!
You guys see that pull down tab in the bazaar? It has an option for mana regen that is how you solve mana problems. Look for items with mana regen. then gear damage if you want.
Going to say this yet again because I can’t stand misinformation. Mana regen is capped, basically everyone is above that cap just with their default gear….
I keep hearing Mages have Mana issues my Mages never drop below 70% mana for real.
so much of mana depends on how a group is killing, If you’re using grind, keeping mobs in camp perpetually with no downtime etc it will effect the equation. Either way with mages pet canni option mana really isn’t an issue for them ever.
I voted for Druid and I see many others share my sentiment. I'm not sure why, but every time a druid joins my group it feels like they are a post-college drug user. Painting with broad strokes, I know. I have known some excellent druids over the years, but if I have to pick one class, that is it.
I have at least 4 of each class on my accounts. And zero bards. I HATE bards. Tried to make one... deleted at level 10.
I used to say I hated Bard now I have twice as many Bards as tanks and I don't know how I ended up with them. Well I do, people kept saying you have to make a Bard. My hate stemmed from the fact that back in the day the very worst players I met were always Bards. The 2nd most in the bad player group are probably Shaman but I can't be saying that. LOL

I voted for Druid and I see many others share my sentiment. I'm not sure why, but every time a druid joins my group it feels like they are a post-college drug user. Painting with broad strokes, I know. I have known some excellent druids over the years, but if I have to pick one class, that is it.
The Best player I ever met was a Druid. He would heal and my Shaman would tank and we'd duo in VP when you had 1 key to get in if you died you lost whatever you had on because your key was on your body. Sure it wasn't fair but it was crazy fun.
….Can I have some of whatever drug you’re on? Cuz god damn it must be good stuff!

Going to say this yet again because I can’t stand misinformation. Mana regen is capped, basically everyone is above that cap just with their default gear….

so much of mana depends on how a group is killing, If you’re using grind, keeping mobs in camp perpetually with no downtime etc it will effect the equation. Either way with mages pet canni option mana really isn’t an issue for them ever.
I know you know EQ but those mana Augs keep all my toons mana full when I see people on the forums concerned about mana.

As for the Pally vs SK you might get one HT off but you'd be permastunned the entire fight. You'd just have to watch the life fade out of you.

My SK generally needs a sword and board and the instant heals of a Shaman to do the same thing my Pally does with a 2 Hander, any healer and lesser groups. Zerkers are in a good place? It seems like you prediction about their fall is coming true. I ditched one of mine to make a full pet group with a 2nd Beastlord. And my Ranger seems to do bigger melee damage since the plugin came out.
I know you know EQ but those mana Augs keep all my toons mana full when I see people on the forums concerned about mana.

As for the Pally vs SK you might get one HT off but you'd be permastunned the entire fight. You'd just have to watch the life fade out of you.

My SK generally needs a sword and board and the instant heals of a Shaman to do the same thing my Pally does with a 2 Hander, any healer and lesser groups. Zerkers are in a good place? It seems like you prediction about their fall is coming true. I ditched one of mine to make a full pet group with a 2nd Beastlord. And my Ranger seems to do bigger melee damage since the plugin came out.
My point is that it is physically impossible for them to go over the cap of what is allowed, plus 10 mana per minute is going to create a rounding error in difference compared to spells that cost 4-15k mana per cast. Do you run a bard playing chorus/crescendo/etc? Do you have mobs on you nonstop?

Not sure what is up with your sk but mine doesn't even care if his healer dies and will just keep chugging along for hours with a 2hnd out. Have you done 2.0/omm bp on your sk?
Doesn't surprise me about the ranger plugin performing better, anything except custom written ranger code previously I'd found performed like trash.
Berserkers very much are in a good place at the moment as are monks.

personally i don't dislike any class but cleric and pallys are in the worst spot of their archtype and will continue to be unless they get a massive overhaul somewhere

As for the Pally vs SK you might get one HT off but you'd be permastunned the entire fight. You'd just have to watch the life fade out of you.

My SK generally needs a sword and board and the instant heals of a Shaman to do the same thing my Pally does with a 2 Hander, any healer and lesser groups. Zerkers are in a good place? It seems like you prediction about their fall is coming true. I ditched one of mine to make a full pet group with a 2nd Beastlord. And my Ranger seems to do bigger melee damage since the plugin came out.
I vote Blackwisper's sk vs RobRenfro's Paladin roflmao
I know you know EQ but those mana Augs keep all my toons mana full when I see people on the forums concerned about mana.

As for the Pally vs SK you might get one HT off but you'd be permastunned the entire fight. You'd just have to watch the life fade out of you.

My SK generally needs a sword and board and the instant heals of a Shaman to do the same thing my Pally does with a 2 Hander, any healer and lesser groups. Zerkers are in a good place? It seems like you prediction about their fall is coming true. I ditched one of mine to make a full pet group with a 2nd Beastlord. And my Ranger seems to do bigger melee damage since the plugin came out.

you are playing the sk wrong.

Pallies can heal the group. But generally dead weight in group game. Shitty dps, no real value when my sk runs around with 2hander doing 3million dps..
you are playing the sk wrong.

Pallies can heal the group. But generally dead weight in group game. Shitty dps, no real value when my sk runs around with 2hander doing 3million dps..
I'm letting the plugin run both. I've served as DPS with an SK tanking doing Progressions with a friend. But I would totally agree compared to what everyone else says about SKs I'm definitely playing him wrong. But the flip side to that is if I'm acting as DPS on paragons you all are playing Pallies wrong.
My point is that it is physically impossible for them to go over the cap of what is allowed, plus 10 mana per minute is going to create a rounding error in difference compared to spells that cost 4-15k mana per cast. Do you run a bard playing chorus/crescendo/etc? Do you have mobs on you nonstop?

Not sure what is up with your sk but mine doesn't even care if his healer dies and will just keep chugging along for hours with a 2hnd out. Have you done 2.0/omm bp on your sk?
Doesn't surprise me about the ranger plugin performing better, anything except custom written ranger code previously I'd found performed like trash.
Berserkers very much are in a good place at the moment as are monks.

I vote Blackwisper's sk vs RobRenfro's Paladin roflmao
It wouldn't be my first corpse run. LOL But I'm pretty handy in a duel at least I used to be I dbout if I have dueled anyone in 20 years. Has anyone dueled anyone in 20 years?
I'm letting the plugin run both. I've served as DPS with an SK tanking doing Progressions with a friend. But I would totally agree compared to what everyone else says about SKs I'm definitely playing him wrong. But the flip side to that is if I'm acting as DPS on paragons you all are playing Pallies wrong.

You breaking 2mm dps? Nope. You also like casters and frankly my melee do 3x-4x dps compared to group game on average. Granted I'm raid gear but it's hard to take that aspect seriously. Nothing wrong with way you want to play - but from a min max casters are dead weight these days.
Discussion - Most hated class?

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