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Question - MQ2 , Can I read the Raid Chat? (1 Viewer)


Jan 21, 2023
If my raid leader says "Back Away!" , is there an MQ2 command that the bot could use to parse raid text?

edit: I'm old...slow.. not all that bright. Want my caster bot to run to a safe spot when my raid leader asks us to so I appear to be a better player than I really am.
My knowledge of MQ2 is within this scope. https://macroquest.sourceforge.net/includes/manual.php
the Github stuff is beyond me at this point. If there isn't a way to check for incoming text with the MQ2 stuff that's alright. Just thought I would ask.
EQLP is a precompiled program. Just install it and then go through and configure it (its user level stuff). Couple videos on youtube how to install it, and also how to pull in GINA package triggers and how to make your own triggers (it will tell you to move, it wont move you.)
Question - MQ2 , Can I read the Raid Chat?

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