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Problem - [MQ2| Clicking > Reliance < (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 5, 2015
I have no clue how this is happening, I have removed any instance of the word Reliance from my kissassist macro. I thought for weeks now that kissassist had some sort of issue. When kiss is turned on however is when this begins happening.

So the cleric is basically chain casting Reliance until the mana bar is completely wiped out. The odd thing is up until 10 minutes ago the cleric was working perfectly and buffing Reliance as intended.

I changed a few things in the cleric kiss ini file. I told her to start buffing shining bastion on the melee, start healing with a heal over time spell at 86% (which also isn't working for whatever reason)

so I am stumped, and now my group has come to a screeching hault.

The important thing here is, I took reliance OUT of kissassist and now all of a sudden the kiss is started and the cleric is now LOADING reliance on her own and chain casting it. I'm basically screwed atm


so I stopped the cleric from attacking and unloaded mq2melee which solved the problem for now, it's not a solution just a work-around. Yes I understand most Clerics don't attack, but the melee dps Clerics can generate isn't bad.


ok so I went ahead and added Reliance back into kiss, and threw the cleric back on the horse. I wanted to see if shutting down melee and the plugin mq2melee would then allow buffing to resume normally and NOPE. Clicking has resumed and mana is dumping yet again. Keeping reliance off of the buffing list still allows the group to continue, albeit without my single greatest buff in my arsenal ... /sadface
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negative, i just started studying how downs and holys function and don't really use them at the current time..

in the kiss macro i was able to locate something regarding this around line 2000ish under the sub check buffs, but I don't understand it or how to make any changes.

The cleric is nearly 90 and hand of reliance will likely be the work-around that i need to move forward again... This isn't the first occurrence of this happening, in fact 3 out of the last 4 cleric hp buffs have broken for me as i leveled starting with virtue
using kiss 8.2, this has been going on since at least 8.0

I wish I could be of more help but hand of reliance as expected works fine, it just seems to be intermittent.

So when the cleric reached level 87 and bought reliance. I added it to her buff lineup. It worked until around 88 or so when I changed a few of her dps and heal related items, this seems to be a recurring issue
Have you tried putting your HP buff back in your INI and clearing all buffs on character in Game. Wiping seems to be how I clear my buffs. I had the same problem several times. I would be set to cast Reliance and end up getting Surety on one 1 character and it screws everything. If you added what the higher buff was it will stop casting it. Until it wears off then you have to take it out of the Dual. Mine would be like Hand of Will|dual|Surety then when surety was gone you just delete out the Dual part. Now that kiss reloads itself on the fly. THANK YOU MASKOI. Its not a big deal to update your INI.
I'm having this same problem but with Temperance, was leveling my group and everything was working fine until I got to lvl 40 and this the same problem the OP has is happening to me. She only cast on herself and well continue to do so none stop until she is OOM.

I have tried clearing all buff, from all my toons, before starting KA, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I also noticing it says clicking instead of buffing like it normally would.
I have yet to see a fix for this, all you can do is use the group version of the hp buff ... hand of virtue, hand of conviction, hand of temerity and it's like clockwork... the other cleric buffs just wont stop casting
I was having a lot of these issues like cleric casting buffs when not needed and running out of mana, the fix I found was to backup your mac files, (backup all of your mq2 just in case) and DELETE the mq2 directory and do a FRESH install and just copy over your mac files and any new copies (not old ones) of add ons you want. I am telling you my kiss went from wonky as hell to perfection!
try something along the lines of
Rich (BB code):
seems like a simple fix? or not sure if that will prevent it from recasting when it wears off? If that's the case remove |Once
Problem - [MQ2| Clicking > Reliance <

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