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MQ2 Compile question (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 4, 2005
Currently, I have a very nice working copy of MQ2 and all the plugins from Tones Package. However, I have been researching some macro's from the VIP section on the MQ2 boards and in order to use some of those advanced macro's like RaidDruid.mac they require additional plugins and or files like the following:


Now my question pertains to the MQ2Exchange plugin that must be compiled. What I would like to know is if I add the MQ2Exchange plugin to my current copy and re-compile MQ2, how will this effect my current copy of MQ2 with Tone's Plugins. Does this mean I will not be able to use Tones plugins because his pkg is not based on my new compile?
Cadewen said:
1) Are you using VS 6.0 or VS.NET?
2) Tones plugins will work if you remove the date/time check

I am using VS.NET currently, so my next step is find a link that remove the date & time stamp correct? Im sure thats in redguides somewhere.
MQ2ExchangeItem will allow you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory windows or bags opened. Will now allow exchanging items that are in main inventory slots, not just in bags.
I am using VS.NET currently, so my next step is find a link that remove the date & time stamp correct? Im sure thats in redguides somewhere.

Remove these bits of come from PluginHandler.cpp

Rich (BB code):
DWORD checkme(char *module)
    char *p;
    p = module + pd->e_lfanew;
    p += 4;  //skip sig
    pf = (PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER) p;
    return pf->TimeDateStamp;

static unsigned int mq2mainstamp = 0;

Rich (BB code):
 if (!mq2mainstamp) {
        mq2mainstamp = checkme((char*)GetModuleHandle("mq2main.dll"));

Rich (BB code):
	return 0;
    if (mq2mainstamp > checkme((char*)hmod)) {
        DebugSpew("Please recompile %s %d %d", FullFilename, mq2mainstamp, checkme((char*)hmod));
MQ2 Compile question

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