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Problem - MQ2 Ingame Window (1 Viewer)

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New member
Dec 1, 2017
I have just recently delved into the world of MQ2, and I've been playing EQ since '99. I'm unsure as to how I ever managed without it, so kudos!

I've been experience a great deal of issues since the RoS patch: MQ2 Autologin fails/receive the "You've been disconnected" screen, 100% of the time; unable to have MQ2 enabled, at all, with certain plugins running, etc. I'm currently in the process of figuring out which are provoking the crashes. To note, I'm on Live.

However, my concern for the moment is: how do I re-enable the MQ2 Window ingame? No matter what I attempt, I am unable to have it appear.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated for this rookie!

Thank you, kindly!
Problem - MQ2 Ingame Window
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