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MQ2 is being funky.. what's the deal??? (1 Viewer)


Aug 1, 2005
I don't know if it's always been this screwy cuz i been gone so long. but this last patch/version of MQ2 seems to not work right half the time.:confused:

my most recent problem is MQ2moveutils.
a.) when i use /circle on 60 my bard will run a circle about 30% of the time. some times I'll just turn around is circles like it has a really really close radius. sometimes the circle is elliptical or i always go off in a certain part and i make mostly circle/ blob shape in my path.... very wried.
b.) when i use /stick it makes me just sit. i don't follow i just sit immediately... it's like wtf that's not suppose to happen at all.
c.) when i use MQ2melee and the mob stats to run off, instead of following it i sit immediately too. so i fig thats a moveutils problem not a mq2melee.

Problems with MQ2melee.
a.) on my bst i always set /melee rake=10 then /melee save ect... then when i go to fight in ZONE A the mq2melee uses rake everytime it pops until i go below 10 endurance (like it should). then i go to ZONE B and rake wont get used at all, i'll still kick automaticly, but no rake. so then i zane back i to ZONE A and it works again. [works in: BoT, WW, PoE, PoF, PoW] [does not work in: SG, WoS, fortress mechanica(sp?), hills of shade]

Problems with MQ2Autoforage.
a.) When ever i just log on it seem (though not completly sure thats what it is) MQ2Autoforage will work like it should. i have a modify .ini file for it and it follows it. but 80% of the time i /startforage i get absolutely nothing. only thing i can say is that i restarted the comp once and it worked... other than that it seems hit or miss... and mostly miss

ya so thats pretty much all the plugins i ever use so not sure what else is funky. but it really does seem more buggy than normal. should i not worry about it and get over it? am i not setting up something right? redownload MQ2? no ideas here other than that! lol

anyway, thanks for reading! ~sebi
MQ2 is being funky.. what's the deal???

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