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MQ2 to Red Guides (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 25, 2005
With all the road blocks that MQ2 keeps putting into there program I started thinking, Why don't we just take one of the old virsions, update it and use it. Totaly redo it. Call it somthing like Red Guides. Lol, RG1. After all it does have an open source licence and I am sure the devs over there are not going to keep it up forever.
I just graduated I'm 100% self taught lol. These "road blocks" are to keep the fucking retards (excuse french) from using MQ2. It's an open source project, so it's really easy to see the changes if you just compare old source to new source and take out / add what they have changed. It's basically trying to keep the people that know absolutely nothing from having free access to active hacks. Which in a way is a good thing.
Well, the MQ2 forums are confusing as hell anyway and I would like to get away from those as much as possible. I think this is a great idea you guys are on to. I would be willing to up my donation if you could pull it off. I would also like to see a repository of working macros & plugins that only the developers could write to and everyone else have read access and or copy only. If someone like myself has a question about a macro then start a new thread on it. I hate having to look thru good source code and reading about all the changes & problems everyone is having with it.

I just want to see bam -->here is a macro for AFCleric.mac in the Macro Section (with updates on such and such date and these are the changes ). Then when a user wants this souce code he or she can simply copy and paste the source code to a text file and not ask questions. If there are questions start a new thread in the macro help forums. Keep it clean and simple not like the MQ2 forums where everything is scattered about with 27 pages of shit for one macro.
temp said:
Well, the MQ2 forums are confusing as hell anyway and I would like to get away from those as much as possible. I think this is a great idea you guys are on to. I would be willing to up my donation if you could pull it off. I would also like to see a repository of working macros & plugins that only the developers could write to and everyone else have read access and or copy only. If someone like myself has a question about a macro then start a new thread on it. I hate having to look thru good source code and reading about all the changes & problems everyone is having with it.

I just want to see bam -->here is a macro for AFCleric.mac in the Macro Section (with updates on such and such date and these are the changes ). Then when a user wants this souce code he or she can simply copy and paste the source code to a text file and not ask questions. If there are questions start a new thread in the macro help forums. Keep it clean and simple not like the MQ2 forums where everything is scattered about with 27 pages of shit for one macro.

Exactly! what he said.
I would be more than willing to help out but I lack the programing knowledge/skills or any programs to make that stuff. I would be willing to learn so I could help out if anybody is willing to teach me :D
temp said:
Well, the MQ2 forums are confusing as hell anyway and I would like to get away from those as much as possible. I think this is a great idea you guys are on to. I would be willing to up my donation if you could pull it off. I would also like to see a repository of working macros & plugins that only the developers could write to and everyone else have read access and or copy only. If someone like myself has a question about a macro then start a new thread on it. I hate having to look thru good source code and reading about all the changes & problems everyone is having with it.

I just want to see bam -->here is a macro for AFCleric.mac in the Macro Section (with updates on such and such date and these are the changes ). Then when a user wants this souce code he or she can simply copy and paste the source code to a text file and not ask questions. If there are questions start a new thread in the macro help forums. Keep it clean and simple not like the MQ2 forums where everything is scattered about with 27 pages of shit for one macro.

hell yeah /high five on that!
MQ2 to Red Guides

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