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Plugin - MQ2Debuffs (1 Viewer)


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Jan 31, 2005
MQ2Debuffs This plugin is designed to help with curing detrimental effects. It is used to reports harmful effects, number of curse/disease/poison counters and various other detrimentals.

Rich (BB code):
${Debuff}                   (bool True if you have debuffs on that have counters on them, false if not)
${Debuff.Poisoned}          (int  # of poison counters on you)
${Debuff.Diseased}          (int  # of disease counters on you)
${Debuff.Cursed}            (int  # of curse counters on you)
${Debuff.Corrupted}         (int  # of corruption counters on you)
${Debuff.Poisons}           (int  # of poison spells affecting you)
${Debuff.Diseases}          (int  # of disease spells affecting you)
${Debuff.Curses}            (int  # of curse spells affecting you)
${Debuff.Corruptions}       (int  # of corruption spells affecting you)
${Debuff.Count}             (int  # of debuffs that need cured, does not include snare)
${Debuff.HPDrain}           (int  Amount of HP you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE)
${Debuff.HPDrain[X]}        (int  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting HP)
${Debuff.ManaDrain}         (int  Amount of Mana you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE)
${Debuff.ManaDrain[X]}      (int  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting Mana)
${Debuff.EnduranceDrain}    (int  Amount of Endurance you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE)
${Debuff.EnduranceDrain[X]} (int  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting Endurance)
${Debuff.Slowed}            (bool True if you are Slowed (melee attacks), False if not)
${Debuff.SpellSlowed}       (bool True if you are SpellSlowed (spell haste reduction), False if not)
${Debuff.Snared}            (bool True if your are Snared, False if not)
${Debuff.ManaCost}          (bool True if your Spell Mana Cost has been raised, False if not)
${Debuff.CastingLevel}      (bool True if your Effective Casting Level has been reduced, False if not)
${Debuff.HealingEff]        (bool True if your Healing Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not)
${Debuff.SpellDmgEff}       (bool True if your Spell Damage Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not)
${Debuff.Blind}             (bool True if you are blind)
${Debuff.Charmed}           (bool True if you are charmed)
${Debuff.Feared}            (bool True if you are feared)
${Debuff.Silenced}          (bool True if you are silenced)
${Debuff.Invulnerable}      (bool True if you are invulnerable)
${Debuff.Detrimentals}      (bool True if you have any detrimental effects on you)
${Debuff.Counters} 	 (int  # of poison/disease/curse/corruption counters on yourself)
${Debuff.Rooted} 	(bool True if you are rooted)

${The TLO has been enhanced, revamped, recored, to be able to get Debuff Informations others then selfbuff.
Debuff.X or Debuff[self].X or Debuff[myself].X : return infos for buff from self.
Debuff[pet].X or Debuff[warder].X              : return infos for buff from pet.
Debuff[2899].X                                 : return infos for buff for spell "feeblemind".
{Debuff[5682].X                                 : return infos for buff for spell "Chains of Anguish".
{Debuff[5682 2899 887].X                        : return infos for buff from this bufflistid.
HUD Example
Rich (BB code):
PoisonCounter=1,400,170,0,250,50,${If[${Debuff.Poisoned},${Debuff.Poisoned} POISON,]}
DiseaseCounter=1,400,185,200,200,50,${If[${Debuff.Diseased},${Debuff.Diseased} DISEASE,]}
CurseCounter=1,400,200,250,200,150,${If[${Debuff.Cursed},${Debuff.Cursed} CURSE,]}
DrainHP=1,465,170,250,0,10,${If[${Debuff.HPDrain},-${Debuff.HPDrain} HP/tick,]}
DrainMana=1,465,185,0,50,250,${If[${Debuff.ManaDrain},-${Debuff.ManaDrain} Mana/tick ,]}
BadThings=1,400,220,255,0,10,${If[${Debuff.Snared},SNARED ,]}${If[${Debuff.Slowed},SLOWED ,]}${If[${Debuff.SpellSlowed},SPELLSLOWED ,]}${If[${Debuff.CastingLevel},EFFCASTLEVELDOWN ,]}${If[${Debuff.HealingEff},HEALEFFECTIVEDOWN ,]}${If[${Debuff.SpellDmgEff},SPELLDMGDOWN ,]}${If[${Debuff.ManaCost},MANACOSTUP ,]}
Plugin - MQ2Debuffs

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