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Tip - Multiline for Illusion, Familiar, Trophy & Tribute (1 Viewer)


Active member
Aug 7, 2015
I don't know if this will help anyone or not. I was getting tired of doing things manually for each toon so I wrote this multiline to do it for me.
(Maybe I am late to the game and everyone was already doing this)

I was looking to create a multi line command to ppl in my group to do the following
  • Click Illusion
  • Click Familiar
/multiline ; /bcga //useitem Jann's Veil; /bcga //useitem emperor ganak familiar

  • Turn Tribute on
  • Turn Trophy on
/multiline ; /bcga //tribute on; /bcga //trophy personal on
and off
/multiline ; /bcga //tribute off; /bcga //trophy personal off
*Personal will turn off when expired*

Hope it helps someone, if you have suggestions on improvement, I am all ears to that as well. You all are my EQ guildies, love learning from all you rock stars.
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Tip - Multiline for Illusion, Familiar, Trophy & Tribute

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