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Murkglider Hive instance in Draniks Scar (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 12, 2004
Does anyone know who the PHs are for this instance? The map shows three PHs but the info I have is out dated. I was killing a hideous rat, which used to be PH for Scuttling Dark Rat, but Murkglider Lurker spawned. And tatterwing bat used to be PH for Frenetic Cave Bat but Swooping Shriekbat spawned. I have no idea who the 3rd PH is and who he spawns. If someone could help with the PH names and locs, I would really appreciate it : )
just a stab in the dark, but were all toons that popped the instance not level 70? those sounds like the named for pre 70 groups that are exping in a instance. im pretty sure theres a min level requirement threshold to pop signet mobs.
What is the lvl requirement? I had done the instance a year ago and a lvl 60 got the instance. We were able to get Scuttling Rat and Frenetic Bat to spawn.
I am reasonably certain that PH change places depending on the level of the char getting the mission.
Did you check maps.eq-toolbox.com for map? They should have a map with phs for the 68-70 instance, including signet mob, since that is the one most people do.
Murkglider Hive instance in Draniks Scar

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