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Lua - MyPet (1 Viewer) v1.9

very nice, does what it needs to do :)
Buff window contents keeps flickering each time it updates the list of buffs. Any way it could be done like that in the playertarg window, just showing correctly constantly? ;-)
Can we get an option to show that buff window below the pet stat panel, above the buttons, so the whole ui would be half as wide and /shrug as tall as need be, instead?
The default size sort of suggests this was possible/would be possible, unless it's that some buttons are not shown by default. Anyhow, default size of the window on first run has lots of un-used vertical space.

When I resize atm, to make the whole ui half as wide, it all works except the buttons do not reflow, or form into one column. That would seem to be the right thing to do, also :)

None of this is critical, the pet window works and is a great imgui resource, another step towards new-gui dominance!
Lua - MyPet

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