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MySql (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 16, 2005
I know this isnt the right forum to ask this But I need some help with myphpadmin if u know something about it send me a pm. i'v tried looking for help but can't seem to find any info about it. This seemed to be my last resort that people know a lot of stuff in this forum.
I'd suggest you ask on phpMyAdmin's own forums, or perhaps see if there's a helpfull soul on #php on a random IRC network (FreeNode, Undernet and EFnet most likely the best places).

That aside, it does say "EQ1 Strategies & Cheats", phpMyAdmin hardly have anything to do with that. Then there's "EQ Questions & Requests" (if you take 2 seconds to look at the forum list, youll' see 2 below the forum where you've mistakenly posted) where it might be argued whether or not your question could be fit into.

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