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IRL - Mysterious Parcel Deliveries (1 Viewer)

Dec 29, 2021
Ok whats the scam here?? Across several of my toon I have a parcelt delivery of little junk like 2 shimmering vigna or 4 velium infused logs. One or two is maybe a spelling error with names but its like 10+ characters. One I havent logged on since Octiber 23 has a Krono delivery receipt in it. Fishy. Any advice to proceed?

@stoney254 You have a secret crush.
Remember that hot little druid might look like this on screen:
sexy perfect loops GIF
But looks like ME in reality....hi sexy
sexy funny pics GIF
Ok whats the scam here?? Across several of my toon I have a parcelt delivery of little junk like 2 shimmering vigna or 4 velium infused logs. One or two is maybe a spelling error with names but its like 10+ characters. One I havent logged on since Octiber 23 has a Krono delivery receipt in it. Fishy. Any advice to proceed?

The Krono receipt could be for the total account, not just the character. Maybe from long ago, it should have date on it and where it came from just like all the other items. You could send mail back and ask them. If they are an all access account they will get the mail

I know a lot of players use parcel to see if the name is taken by sending cheap throw away items to it. If the name is not in the game then you get a message advising there is no player of that name found.
The worst is when I send items to the wrong name. I once sent 30 million in raid weapons to the wrong toon. You have to take it in stride DBG won't get involved in parcel delivery.
nothing SUS just people cant spell an send to wrong toon ,, your gain there loss , whats the problem again>??? lol
IRL - Mysterious Parcel Deliveries

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