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Necro Fire Macro (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 1, 2005
Does anyone have one, or know where I could grab one at... I've seen bard and wiz kite macros, but no necro one. I could modify the wizard one probally, but would like one set just for necros

I haven't seen one written specifically for a necro. You should probably try the macro Crystane wrote for his wizard and bard. Sure, you'll need to edit spells, change what AAs to use, and add a couple things for the pet but other than that you should be good. If you don't have access to fire you can look through the code and pick out the part that chooses targets and change that to your fav zones mob names. Once you have it all set up, you'll be glad you spent the time on it.

I was lucky enough to be able to play with Crystane's macro before he released it and ran perfect for me after I got it set up. I'd recommend giving it a shot.

Any one have a copy of Crystane's macro For the Wizy? I would like to Try and make a nec mac for fire and it would be nice to have this as a base to build on.
Ya i found that link also but the kiting macs where removed do to not being able to cast thou buildings. Was hoping someone had an old copy thay could post.
Necro Fire Macro

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