I hate to rely on you guys for something that I cannot figure out myself. But I have been messing with this for HOURS and cannot get it to work. I am trying to make my macro loot after the mob dies, or before it targets the next one. I am running the FH bard macro, and have been trying all kinds of different loot snips, /call lines, anything. I cannot figure it out. Below is the macro I am working with. Any help would be much appreciated.
| Thanks to Cade for the help ,Jumjum5,
|Infernal, Soultaker Siddin Red and the rest of the brilliant minds
|here at red Guides.
|This was Hacked up by Pugs ~,~
|This could be made much better but this works.
|To use this macro Make a hotkey that says
|/echo You have entered Nedaria's Landing
|Then start the macro and press your hotkey in Nedaria's.
|You must have warp for this to work correctly
|Soultakers is what i use if you use other you
|will have to change the command to your warp's syntax.
| also /echo end will shut down the macro and zone you out of the halls.
#event dzadd "personyouwanttoadd tells you, 'CODEWORD'"
#event invite "#*#invites you to join#*#"
#event Zoned "#*#You have entered Guild Lobby#*#"
#event dzquit "#*#You have entered Nedaria's Landing#*#"
#event PoK "You have entered The Mines of Gloomingdeep."
|Change this to the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|zone you are bound in
Sub Main
|We are waiting for the hotkey to start the macro
/goto :waitforit
| We have the extra long delay to account for zoneing Time.
| You may set the delay to what you want.
| You also need to change the twist to your line up.
| We then Clear our target so we don't cast on anything.
Sub indz
/delay 10s
/twist off
/face heading 270
/delay 2s
/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
/circle on 24
/keypress forward hold
/twist 8 7 4 4 4
/target clear
/target clear
|This loop calls the events to be redone along with a GM check.
|It checks to insure that the mobs it targets are not over
| level 67(a left over from the vxed mac i think)
|It then check the range of the target if it over 220 it clears it
|The 3rd If command targets an NPC if you do not have a target
|The final Line Watches your health and succor you when you hit 30%
| you could change the command to gate if you like.
| ex /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=30) /warp succor
/call GMcheck
>>>I have been trying to put the check here<<<
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Target.Level}>67) /tar npc next
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /keypress esc
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar NPC radius 220 rat
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=30) /warp succor
/delay 10
/goto :loopstart
|I never had this one called while i was in zone.
| but it warps you to that loc turn circle off
| and twists selos and heal song then when you reach
| 80% health you go back to killing
Sub succor
/warp loc 245 -33 0
/circle off
/twist 8 1
/delay 60
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}>80) {
/face heading 270
/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
/circle on 24
/keypress forward hold
/twist 8 7 4 4 4
/delay 60
/goto :loopheal
| This is the GM check it is called about every 10 seconds.
| It beeps at you then /quits the game.
Sub GMcheck
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
/echo Gm detected
|need to change the name of this to the person you want
|added to the adventure
Sub event_dzadd
| This sub follows a group invite.
Sub event_invite
|This next bit removes you from the expdition if you still have it after
| you zone out
|Targets Eldros Danmor warps to him gets the adventure window then it
| warps back to Nideno and says forgotten halls allowing you to zone in.
|You then warp closer to the rock look at point behind the rock and
| press use or u, also you click with the mouse so you mouse needs to be
| in the center of the screen.
Sub event_dzquit
/dzremove *********
/twist off
/delay 2s
/target Eldros Danmor
/warp target
/delay 2s
/say interested in visiting
/delay 3s
/target Nideno Eliagy
/warp target
/delay 2s
/say Forgotten halls
/delay 2s
/warp loc 1544 -665 94
/face loc 1540, -675
/look 0
/delay 10s
/click left
/delay 2s
/keypress u
/delay 1s
/click left
/keypress u
/delay 10s
/target clear
/call indz
|In the event of a water landing....
| This camps you out.
Sub Event_PoK
/echo sorry i don't know how or why but you died.
/keypress forward
/circle off
/twist off
/delay 45s
/sit on
/camp desktop
>>>With the Sub_Loot down here<<<
Thanks again
| Thanks to Cade for the help ,Jumjum5,
|Infernal, Soultaker Siddin Red and the rest of the brilliant minds
|here at red Guides.
|This was Hacked up by Pugs ~,~
|This could be made much better but this works.
|To use this macro Make a hotkey that says
|/echo You have entered Nedaria's Landing
|Then start the macro and press your hotkey in Nedaria's.
|You must have warp for this to work correctly
|Soultakers is what i use if you use other you
|will have to change the command to your warp's syntax.
| also /echo end will shut down the macro and zone you out of the halls.
#event dzadd "personyouwanttoadd tells you, 'CODEWORD'"
#event invite "#*#invites you to join#*#"
#event Zoned "#*#You have entered Guild Lobby#*#"
#event dzquit "#*#You have entered Nedaria's Landing#*#"
#event PoK "You have entered The Mines of Gloomingdeep."
|Change this to the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|zone you are bound in
Sub Main
|We are waiting for the hotkey to start the macro
/goto :waitforit
| We have the extra long delay to account for zoneing Time.
| You may set the delay to what you want.
| You also need to change the twist to your line up.
| We then Clear our target so we don't cast on anything.
Sub indz
/delay 10s
/twist off
/face heading 270
/delay 2s
/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
/circle on 24
/keypress forward hold
/twist 8 7 4 4 4
/target clear
/target clear
|This loop calls the events to be redone along with a GM check.
|It checks to insure that the mobs it targets are not over
| level 67(a left over from the vxed mac i think)
|It then check the range of the target if it over 220 it clears it
|The 3rd If command targets an NPC if you do not have a target
|The final Line Watches your health and succor you when you hit 30%
| you could change the command to gate if you like.
| ex /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=30) /warp succor
/call GMcheck
>>>I have been trying to put the check here<<<
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Target.Level}>67) /tar npc next
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /keypress esc
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar NPC radius 220 rat
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=30) /warp succor
/delay 10
/goto :loopstart
|I never had this one called while i was in zone.
| but it warps you to that loc turn circle off
| and twists selos and heal song then when you reach
| 80% health you go back to killing
Sub succor
/warp loc 245 -33 0
/circle off
/twist 8 1
/delay 60
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}>80) {
/face heading 270
/warp loc -573.50 162.80 2.15
/circle on 24
/keypress forward hold
/twist 8 7 4 4 4
/delay 60
/goto :loopheal
| This is the GM check it is called about every 10 seconds.
| It beeps at you then /quits the game.
Sub GMcheck
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
/echo Gm detected
|need to change the name of this to the person you want
|added to the adventure
Sub event_dzadd
| This sub follows a group invite.
Sub event_invite
|This next bit removes you from the expdition if you still have it after
| you zone out
|Targets Eldros Danmor warps to him gets the adventure window then it
| warps back to Nideno and says forgotten halls allowing you to zone in.
|You then warp closer to the rock look at point behind the rock and
| press use or u, also you click with the mouse so you mouse needs to be
| in the center of the screen.
Sub event_dzquit
/dzremove *********
/twist off
/delay 2s
/target Eldros Danmor
/warp target
/delay 2s
/say interested in visiting
/delay 3s
/target Nideno Eliagy
/warp target
/delay 2s
/say Forgotten halls
/delay 2s
/warp loc 1544 -665 94
/face loc 1540, -675
/look 0
/delay 10s
/click left
/delay 2s
/keypress u
/delay 1s
/click left
/keypress u
/delay 10s
/target clear
/call indz
|In the event of a water landing....
| This camps you out.
Sub Event_PoK
/echo sorry i don't know how or why but you died.
/keypress forward
/circle off
/twist off
/delay 45s
/sit on
/camp desktop
>>>With the Sub_Loot down here<<<
Thanks again