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Need some help, I feel dumb (1 Viewer)


May 24, 2005
I am trying to run a macro from the site, the one below... I opened the Macros folder in my MQ2 folder, made a new text doccument cammed twogold.mac opened EQ typed in /mac twogold and i get the error "Couldnt opeen macro file C:\users\blah\blah\blah\macros\twogold.mac

what could be the issue?
did i do something wrong? It has been awhile, due to me being in iraq. could have forgot something.

Rich (BB code):
|Made for Notaddicted.com - by decker
#event Done "Your faction standing with Knights of Truth could#*#"

Sub Main
/declare turns int outer 0
/if (${Me.Cash}<2000) {
/echo Out of gold at ${Time}
/echo ${turns} done (${Math.Calc[${turns}*2]}gold spent)
/ctrlkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money1 leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/click left target
/delay 1s
/ctrlkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money1 leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/click left target
/delay 1s
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
/varcalc turns ${turns}+1
/goto :Loop

Sub event_done
/echo Faction maxed at ${Time}
You didn't put the file in the path that you have set for your macros. Double check to make sure the path is correct.

- or -

You didn't save the file as twogold.mac you probably saved it as twogold.txt
I will double check both, and update when i have luck or not. thanks

Edit: I think the problem is i named the file twogold.mac, but the computer still saved it as a ini file. I don't know if thats because windows vista.. still new to vista. but how do i change it from a ini to mac if .mac in the name don't work? Sorry i suck :P

Edit: I know for sure that is the problem. when i click on properties and goto the details tab, it has the name listed as twogold.mac.ini so how do i change that with vista? i can re-name it all day, and it will just keep putting ini at the end.. and wont show up in the name
Last edited:
Alright, I figured it out, Your help led me in the right direction, so thanks alot. I just had to use Save As insteas of just Save. and change it from a text document to all documents
Yeah, that is very retarded. Such a simple issue, i felt kinda dumb. anyways thanks for the help, tossed a red cent to you EQManiac for leading me in the right direction.
Need some help, I feel dumb

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