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Strategy - Never use /target for Sticking! (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
Here is another thing I see a bunch in macros and hot buttons from people. Please stop using /target because its horrible way of sticking and is very obtrusive to gameplay.

Here is your HORRIBLE Stick macro
Rich (BB code):
/target nameoftoon
/stick 15

Here is what you should be doing... 1 line that will not interrupt any macros or commands that box has going

EQBC: Have all characters stick to you
Rich (BB code):
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID} 15

Standard Stick to a name (Prevents pet / mount targeting)
Rich (BB code):
/stick id ${Spawn[pc NAMEOFTOON].ID} 15

Have fun with it, but please do yourself a favor and stop using /target.
using spawn to stick is a bad idea it does not update fast enough.

Rich (BB code):
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID} 15

is a great idea though. I would use uw though it works great in TDS zones or when you have lev on.
Never had an issue with Spawn since its just pulling the ID, but the uw tag on the end is a great addition. Then again I normally am pushing my stick commands through MQ2EQBC. The uw tag will make sure that you are always facing the target you are following.

To stick to the person underwater or if both are levitating:
Rich (BB code):
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID} 15 uw
Last edited:
This is my stick hotkey if I'm running KA or afnuke and don't want to interrupt the macro:

/bcg //varset ChaseAssist 1
/bcg //varset DoLeashToon 1

To turn off:

/bcg //varset ChaseAssist 0
/bcg //varset DoLeashToon 0
/bcg //stick off

I updated general.inc to use ${Group} when sticking instead of spawn and it works just as good as kiss does with chase now.

Rich (BB code):
Sub DoLeashPerson
/varset MacroState DoLeashPerson
  /declare lsLeashToon string local
  /declare a int local

  /if (${DoLeashToonName.Find[[]}>1) /varset DoLeashToonName ${DoLeashToonName.Right[-${Math.Calc[${DoLeashToonName.Find[[]}-1]}]}

  /for a 1 to ${DoLeashToonName.Count[[]}
    /varset lsLeashToon ${DoLeashToonName}
    /if (${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].ID} && ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].LineOfSight}) {
      /goto :FollowToon
  /next a

   /if (${lsLeashToon.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].ID} && ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].Distance}>20 && !${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].Dead}) {
     /target id ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].ID}
     /delay 1s ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${lsLeashToon}]}
     /face fast
	 /melee reset
     /squelch /stick 8
     /delay 2s ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].Distance}<20
     /squelch /stick off
   } else /if (!${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].ID} || ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].Dead}) {
     /echo no one on list or everyone is dead!

you could change the /stick 8 to /stick id ${Group.Member[${lsLeashToon}].ID} instead of targeting the leashtoon also.
never posted it yet I am waiting until I have afmage and updated afnuke ready. I redid the assist routine for them so its faster and more reliable.

If you want to test them PM me.
Have all characters stick to you
Rich (BB code):
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID} 15

Noob question of the day: What's the best way to stop following using the command above? /stick off was messing up my ability to stick to mobs with /assist
I Love using Stick then a simple move all command to cancel the stick like this:
Rich (BB code):
/bca //moveto loc ${Me.Y} ${Me.X}

moveto commands cancel stick, and it allows you to better position your characters as well. Its a Win/Win.
Strategy - Never use /target for Sticking!

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