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New at this. (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Hi.I just signed up recently and am trying to get MQ2 so I may use all the great macro's and such.My problem is that I can't seem to get MQ2 to work..compiling and all that escapes me plus I'm on dial-up (omg help) so I can't dl that program I need anyways unless I want to wait 4 days =/ So I'm asking if there's any way that someone could compile MQ2 for me? Maybe have me dl it from somewhere or send it to my email or w/e.I would so much appreciate it.Thank you for your time.
No I mean the actual MQ2.exe that lets you use the program and plug ins.Not sure if that's even clear.I'm talking about the source files you dl from Macroquest2.com then have to compile before you can use the program and plug ins.I can't compile them and was asking if there was a way that someone could compile it for me.I hope that's clearer sorry for that.
New at this.

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