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Discussion - New box crew (1 Viewer)

So I have a Warrior 2 berserkers a Bard and a sharman what can I do for the 6th character that would be good for a Melee group.
with that combination, beastlord...it's a dps melee group...that's the next best "giver" class you can get
BST is kind of the standard pick for that group and has the benefit of a CWTN plugin, but if you want to make life hard you could add a ranger.

They've got some great group buffs and individual dps, but controlling positioning for ranged can be rough.
my melee crew is SK 2xRog CLR BRD and BST

I would say BST is the way to go

I do swap out my bst for a monk to keep him up to date and monks aint half bad
I was running shammy before the cleric and i find the cleric saves my ass a lot more than the shammy did

If you really want to have fun run 4 mages and enc and shammy
Ok Thankyou everyone for your help. This Help me narrow down my last slot just got to pick between Rouge ranger and bst now. I mean the 2 zerkers should be Plenty of DPS for almost anything plus the bard with epic and shammy aura and epic I should be good on DPS Might do Beast for the Support to a melee group. Or ranger for HS
What is a beastlord bringing to an almost entirely melee group, out of curiosity? Just the extra mana Regen for Shaman/ slow enemies to take it off shaman hands?

They get an attack buff iirc, savagery or something.
What is a beastlord bringing to an almost entirely melee group, out of curiosity? Just the extra mana Regen for Shaman/ slow enemies to take it off shaman hands?

They get an attack buff iirc, savagery or something.
Fero!!! plus burns are good for them, and group. end/mana regen (para).. pet can emergency tank... bst itself can emergency heal..
What is a beastlord bringing to an almost entirely melee group, out of curiosity? Just the extra mana Regen for Shaman/ slow enemies to take it off shaman hands?

They get an attack buff iirc, savagery or something.
fero, composite, their synergy buff, their burn buffs - they have some other utility as well - plus they are cool af
I have a group with SK, SHM (was originally CLR), BRD, BST, BER, BER.

It works awesome, and I know it was created in part because of suggestions like these when I made the group.

I just couldn't remember why BST.
I love the BST for Paragon alone, but big ole bear pet is also amazing.

RIP my second favorite warder though. The Troll Alligator. I just found out a few days ago it was changed to a Basilisk some years ago. I didn't even realize, since I was playing RoF2 version emus.
Pretty much what, ironically, L8erGator said.

It was an issue in the global models, they explained at the time that they wanted to scale back how many global models there were. However, they chose that one because when warders used to grow as they leveled, the alligator was longer than all the other warders and would get stuck in hallways instead of turning the corridor.
Discussion - New box crew

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