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IRL - New Hot Zone rewards (1 Viewer)

Aug 12, 2018
I like running Franklin Teek's hot zones to level up, good exp, usually a special aug and a little plat.

So they put 2 new hot zone levels in the game, 100 and 105. I took the level 100 one because it was in Shard's Landing and I have the Crystal Circle Signet for a fast port there. The 105 was in Tower of Rot and not real fond of the journey to get there.

Kill 5 scarabs. They are over in the village. Did that. I used my level 125 Ranger with no healer. For the reward I got 13 AA. (!!!) 250 plat and a choice of the usual melee or caster belt/shoulders/back.

So my question is: the armor reward is "transcendent" and I can find no info on this type of transcendent. EQ resource only shows the date added but no info. Anyone have any suggestions?

It is a bad a forum

I did this yesterday on both missions. Never been to the Tower of Rot before, so as usual Daybreak puts the damn mobs to kill on the very top (6th?) floor. Sheesh the ramps wind upward and around and around you go. It's so bad it almost gave me carpal tunnel just turning my driver every few feet. However, I got 16 AA's for the lvl 100 mission and a whopping 31 AA's from the Tower mission. And I can see where if you do it a few times it goes pretty quick. Just running to the Tower takes a few minutes. Oh and on the lvl 100 mission is in Shard's Landing and I hadn't been there in awhile so I couldn't remember where the mobs were at (Scarabs). Good thing I had a RNG with me to track them down. You can't hardly see them, they are hiding under some foliage at the very back of that stupid town full of Skellies and rats. Not too bad for 47 AA's. <shrug>

With the August 21 patch the Hot zones were changed to Tempest Temple for level 100 and Neriak 4th Gate for level 105. (at least on my server, others may vary)

They also have put stats on the reward armor but the stats looks to be the same on both the 100 and the 105 reward
I like running Franklin Teek's hot zones to level up, good exp, usually a special aug and a little plat.

So they put 2 new hot zone levels in the game, 100 and 105. I took the level 100 one because it was in Shard's Landing and I have the Crystal Circle Signet for a fast port there. The 105 was in Tower of Rot and not real fond of the journey to get there.

Kill 5 scarabs. They are over in the village. Did that. I used my level 125 Ranger with no healer. For the reward I got 13 AA. (!!!) 250 plat and a choice of the usual melee or caster belt/shoulders/back.

So my question is: the armor reward is "transcendent" and I can find no info on this type of transcendent. EQ resource only shows the date added but no info. Anyone have any suggestions?

View attachment 63431
careful in that zone Red i got my first suspension for cheating the day after i went there....conincidence maybe not sure
IRL - New Hot Zone rewards

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