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Tip - New to Boxing (1 Viewer)


Jul 24, 2024
Good day everyone,

I've been thinking about starting EQ up again after a few years away. I was hoping the community could help me with some tips and tricks to multi boxing, I don't know how many characters I'll end up wanting to box, but for now let's just start with a full group. Classes are still to be determined and I will take any input you all have.

Thanks in advance!
Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
There is so much information that it can be overwhelming. I recommend starting with Very Vanilla > Launch MQ. This runs default addons. From the Addon window, choose the MQ class addon appropriate to your character and enable. This is way more than you need to get you started.

While you're boxing to your heart's content, keep the forums up and browse Sic's signature block. That should keep you busy for the next couple years lol.
Good day everyone,

I've been thinking about starting EQ up again after a few years away. I was hoping the community could help me with some tips and tricks to multi boxing, I don't know how many characters I'll end up wanting to box, but for now let's just start with a full group. Classes are still to be determined and I will take any input you all have.

Thanks in advance!
Just latch onto Sic like a male angler fish and watch all his vids and you will catch on.
We just had a ban wave so you might be ok for a while but don't get too attached to the accounts you cheat with like I did, I went a year and a half without getting banned so I thought what I was doing was ok but didn't know they store up cheat activity and ban everyone at once but after months of not getting banned I started decorating houses and getting trophies and completing all the slayer quests and wasting tons of time not worth wasting on a disposable character.

These characters are not cute puppies to pour your love into they are fighting dogs to make you money, if they die in the ring then they die, getting too attached will just leave you disappointed.
Welcome To The Team GIF by MOODMAN

Welcome to RG and welcome back if you're a returning player!

Always start here RG Video

Watch the vids Sic has created as they are your greatest source of information. I would even recommend watching them twice. Toon Movement - AutoGroup/AutoAccept/MQ2Yes - Basic Overview

Once you have an idea of how things work, you'll want to look into some automation options. Check out Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free and you'll want to spend some time looking at CWTN Plugins Explained.). New as of Feb 2024, RG Mercs Lua Version

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options. It takes some time to get used to, so don't be surprised it if feels overwhelming at first.

Once you feel like your're getting the hang of it (or to get a more in depth idea of what this site can do), then check out the plugins, macros, and lua's available to complement your automation. Things like Overseer Lua, buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, MQ2Autoaccept, MQ2Status, GuildClicky, Boxhud, MQ2Buffme, Magellan. You'll also want to see Lua event manager.

How do you get to see and experience all of this you ask? You need to be a level 2 member. To do that you have 2 options. First, you can subscribe (paid method) or second, you can use Red Cents. What the heck is a Red Cent you ask? Red Cents can you help with your subscription and it's the currency this site uses. Contribute helpful information (post here) and others will give you red cents and each red cent you give others returns one to you. check it out! Red Cents

Time to subscribe to level 2 and begin a journey you won't regret. Lots of info and a super helpful community here to help when you get stuck.
You've now got enough RedCents to get a month of subscription access without having to pay for anything. I don't have any advice that hasn't already been given in the thread, but ask if you get stuck! The videos and community are great here.
Start small and take it slow, brick by brick so to speak. Make 6 toons that you that you'll enjoy (dont worry about efficiency quite yet) and just get them moving with you, assisting you and casting basic spells in whatever form of automation you choose. Just learn the basics and try to make them better, after you're familiar with the programs and the different tools available, start min maxing and changing things up accordingly.
You've now got enough RedCents to get a month of subscription access without having to pay for anything. I don't have any advice that hasn't already been given in the thread, but ask if you get stuck! The videos and community are great here.
You will have to go to the red cent shop to "buy" the level 2. In the upper right click on red cent and then red cent shop and then get a level 2 for you. Follow the directions to redeem it

It will cost you 50 red cents for each month. But if you contribute funny or cool or helpful posts then others will give you red cents.

So long as your level 2 then you can put red cents on other people's post and that will earn you some in return!

Welcome back. You thinking Live or EMU? Lots of info for both here. Sic is sending you in right direction. Lotsa reading...
I"m not sure to be honest, I was thinking Live only so I could use some of my OG toons, but if it's possible to bring those toons over to EMU that might be more fun for me so I don't need to go through all of the progression and there are some raid bosses that I never got to encounter (I stopped playing around Gates of Discord/LDON)
I"m not sure to be honest, I was thinking Live only so I could use some of my OG toons, but if it's possible to bring those toons over to EMU that might be more fun for me so I don't need to go through all of the progression and there are some raid bosses that I never got to encounter (I stopped playing around Gates of Discord/LDON)
TLP's might be what you want, no OG char, and:
MQ is not supported on Truebox servers. If/When a server transitions into "relaxed truebox" or complete removal of truebox restrictions, MQ support would be added at *sometime* afterwards. This requires not just EQ "saying" that it is now relaxed truebox, it *requires* EQ to remove their serverside truebox flag/restrictions. If EQ doesn't do that, like what happened with Oakwynd, it will not work until after they do.

> Here is the link to the sticky <

Other tools such as MySEQ and IonBC are available for truebox servers.

You can also slow roll on live and redo the encounters, though with modern xp and autogrant, might roll to fast.
A repost to you from me and a friendly reminder to others..

Welcome. The journey is made fun with the help of the folks here at RedGuides and the assisted game play they've made available. It's a very helpful and welcoming group of folks that like to have fun. It's really increased my enjoyment of the game. Not having to continually mash buttons is wonderful.

A few tidbits:
1 - The Ice Encrusted (level 110+), Blood-Soaked (level 115+), Memoryforged Desolation (120+) chase loot items, and Ancient Cloak of Flames can be made tradable again by placing the item into an Urthron's Ultimate Unattuner bought from the Alerynril the Loyal (loyalty vendor) or a mysterious presence (overseer merchant) in Plane of Knowledge. Trade them among your toons for the upgraded AA click, and when/if you outgrow them, resell them.
2 - Overseer Collection Item Dispenser reward from Diplomacy, Trade, and Exploration quests can be used to make No Trade collection items up to Terror of Luclin. The No Trade collection items are Heirloom and can be traded on the same account. You can also put the No Trade collection items in an Urthron's Ultimate Unattuner to make it tradable to anyone. Nice if you are missing one collection item from a set to help complete it.

Something you'll read and hear is to start small and grow into it. I tried jumping into the deep and almost drowned. Was too much for me. I waddled my way back to the shallow end and into the kiddie pool. MUCH better for you. Your mileage may very.

Welcome aboard matey!!
Tip - New to Boxing

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