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Problem - new with issues (1 Viewer)


Sep 8, 2015
I have one computer with two accounts running for EQ. I have a tank and a healer. The issue im having is this; I want to run the tank with no help from MQ2, but don't know how to turn it off. I do want to have MQ2 help me with the heals, and eventually when I get comfortable with that setup I will add my dps account.

other issue im having is wheni wasn't using MQ2 both screens ran smooth, now only the active screen runs smooth and the other is very blotchy and jittery.
I have one computer with two accounts running for EQ. I have a tank and a healer. The issue im having is this; I want to run the tank with no help from MQ2, but don't know how to turn it off. I do want to have MQ2 help me with the heals, and eventually when I get comfortable with that setup I will add my dps account.

The one you DON'T want to run MQ2 on you can (after you log in) is type
Rich (BB code):
in the MQ2 chat box and it will unload MQ2 for that toon. This, however, sometimes causes that toon to crash (or at least has for me from time to time, but not always) so you COULD just make sure nothing for MQ2 is running in MQ2melee by 1st typing on on tank in MQ2 chat window
Rich (BB code):
/melee save
then finding in the MQ2 folder the ini file for that character (servername_toonname.ini) and changing everything to =0, then going back to that char and typing
Rich (BB code):
/melee load
and MQ2 melee should not do anything for that char.
other issue im having is wheni wasn't using MQ2 both screens ran smooth, now only the active screen runs smooth and the other is very blotchy and jittery.
This is caused by MQ2 lowering the FPS (frames per sec) on the screen or screens that are in the background. it does not cause anything harmful to you or the game but does reduce the recorces used to run the background screen so you can do more with your computer while playing.
MQ2 in itself doesnt really do anything on its own.. its the macros such as Kissassist etc that do stuff.. but you can type /unload in the mq2window

what i think you really mean is just run kissassist on your cleric and play your warrior as normal

ofcoure you could set up your warriors KA ini just do do buffs and run him in /mac kissassist manual which lets you control him but will do self buffs without your input
The one you DON'T want to run MQ2 on you can (after you log in) is type
Rich (BB code):
in the MQ2 chat box and it will unload MQ2 for that toon. This, however, sometimes causes that toon to crash (or at least has for me from time to time, but not always)
This causes me to crash about half the time, even if I *just* restarted MQ2 or refreshed injections, do an /unload on a character, and hard crash them out. =(
If you are using the macro KissAssist to help with heals, one problem you will have is the kissassist macro automatically loads and uses the functions of the plugin MQ2Melee. The plugin will attempt to automate the combat functions of the tank. This is the primary reason I do not use the macro kissassist. I do not think there is a way to run kissassist without the plugin. Look at one of the healing only macros for your healer and make sure the plugin MQ2Melee is disabled, =0 in your macroquest.ini file. Check out the thread http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/34604-Fast-Heal-6-Initial-Release-9-2-2015 for one of the many healing macros.
Your other option is to run kissassist on both toons and set up the tank so kissassist does as little as possible. See the guides for using kissassist.

Just so everyone knows I use my own custom macros that are written specifically for my group and style of play. My group usually consists of a warrior (tank), monk (puller/dps), druid (dps/healer) and at least one healer merc. The other slots in the group vary depending on my mood that day, other mercs, mage, shammy, chanter, or extra dps from an additional warrior or monk.

MQ2 by itself does almost nothing. It is the various plugins and macros that make things happen. I know each character can run different macros even on the same computer, not so sure about having different plugins loaded... Hey developers that might be an awesome feature, load different plugins for different characters on the same computer.
Sounds like you just want to disable melee functions. What exactly is it doing to your tank that you don't want it to?
Even with KA running you can disable mq2 melee features.

But if you are playing the tank manually you probably don't need to run KA on it anyhow.

Mq2 melee is super useful though. Will make you auto bash/taunt etc. It's pretty customizable as well.
Problem - new with issues

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