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No-Loitering Zones: Where guides cannot go unless requested (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 22, 2006
I found my old guide papers after picking up my room and decided to share with you the No-Loitering Zones ( Where Guides cannot go without being request for assistance of a player ) This is just to help someone, Figured before i through them away to show people.

I tried my best to Alphebatize the names.. They were all messed up!

No-Loitering Zone Listing

Acrylia Caverns
Akheva Ruins
Asylum of Anguish
Barindu, Hanging Gardens
Bastion of Thunder
Caverns of the Lost
Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal
Corathus Creep
Corathus Lair
Dreadspire Keep
Drunder, The Fortress of Zek
Ersylai, the Kingdom of Wind
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
Harbringer's Spire
Halls of Honor
Ikkinz, Chambers of Singular Might
Illsalin Marketplace
Kerafyrm's Lair
Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds
Lavaspinner's Lair
Miragul's Menagerie: The Silent Gallery
Miragul's Menagerie: The Maw of the Menagerie
Miragul's Menagerie: The Spider Den
Miragul's Menagerie: The Hushed Banquet
Miragul's Menagerie: The Frosted Halls
Miragul's Menagerie: The Forgotten Wastes
Miragul's Menagerie: The Heart of the Menagerie
Miragul's Menagerie: The Morbid Laboratory
Miragul's Menagerie: The Theater of Imprisoned Horrors
Miragul's Menagerie: The Grand Library
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Forlorn Caverns Norrath
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Dreary Grotto
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Asylum of Invoked Stone
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Chambers of Eternal Affliction
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Sepulcher of the Damned
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Ritualistic Summoning Grounds
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Cesspits of Putrescence
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Aisles of Blood
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Halls of Sanguinary Rites
Mistmoore Catacombs: The infernal Sanctuary
Natimbi, the Broken ShoresThe Lair of Terris Thule
Plane of Disease
Plane of Earth
Plane of Fear
Plane of Fire
Plane of Growth
Plane of Innovation
Plane of Justice
Plane of Mischief
Plane of Nightmares
Plane of Sky
Plane of Storms
Prince's Manor
Plane of Time
Plane of Valor
Plane of War
Reef of Coirnav
Muramite Provinggrounds
Qinimi, Court of of Nihilia
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling
Riftseekers' Sanctum
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
Rujarkian Hills: The Bloodied Quarries
Rujarkian Hills: The Halls of War
Rujarkian Hills: The Wind Bridges
Rujarkian Hills: The Gladiator Pits
Rujarkian Hills: The Drudge Hollows
Rujarkian Hills: The Fortified Lair
Rujarkian Hills: The Hidden Vale
Rujarkian Hills: The Blazing Forge
Rujarkian Hills: The Arena of Chance
Rujarkian Hills: The Barracks of War
Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Furnace
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
Shadowed Grove
Sporali Creep
Snarlstone Dens
Ssraeshza Temple
Stillmoon Temple
Stoneroot Falls
Takish'Hiz:The Sunken Library
Takish'Hiz: The Shifting Tower
Takish'Hiz: The Fading Temple
Takish'Hiz: The Royal Observatory
Takish'Hiz: The River of Recollection
Takish'Hiz: The Sandfall Corridors
Takish'Hiz: The Balancing Chamber
Takish'Hiz: The Sweeping Tides
Takish'Hiz: The Antiquated Palace
Takish'Hiz: The Prismatic Corridors
Temple of the Korlach
Temple of Marr
Temple of Veeshan
The Broodlands
The Cocoons
The Crypt of Decay
The Forgotten Halls
The Hive
The Hatchery
The Nagilor Pits
The Ruins of Illsalin
The Undershore
Thundercrest Isles
Tipt, Treacherous Crags
Torment, the Plane of Pain
Tower of Solusek Ro
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
Vegarlson, the Earten Badlands
Veeshan's Peak
Vex Thal
Vxed, The Crumbling Caverns
Wall of Slaughter
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles

Note:: All PoR zones are off-limits except for the revamped Freeports
Note:: These are No-Loitering Zones for GUIDES only, GM's can go wherever they please

Redcents Appreciated
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Here's some addition to that. This is basically everything Devlin is pasting in a Document form and directly from the Guide program. These are GUIDE Guidelines, not GM.

Hope you enjoy.

<- Red Cents if this helps! Click on the

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All Levels:

/anonymous -
Apprentice Guides must remain anonymous when online alone. Players that request assistance of an Apprentice during their interactive sessions are to be referred to the ticket system. Apprentices that do not wish promotion to Guide may remain anonymous while a Guide+ is online. Apprentices must use /anonymous during the camping process in order to be anonymous when they login later. Guides+ will remain visible at all times except when preparing for a quest or event or when directed to by their Senior. A visible Guide is someone the players can ask questions of and expect an answer from if they can see one online.

/goto -
o /goto {playername} can be used from any zone. It will place you at the same spot the player was when you sent in the command. It will put the target player on your target window if done from within the same zone.

o /goto {playername}’s corpse# only works on corpses in the same zone. It will place you on the corpse. If the corpse is under the world you may be moved to the safe spot and receive a message stating you are being moved. The # at the end of the command is the number of the corpse, starting from 0.
o /goto {NPCfirstname_NPClastname##} In some cases, like named NPCs, you may need to use /goto #NPCfirstname_NPClastname##. The ## at the end of the command is the number of the NPC, for named mobs it would be 00. The # at the beginning of the command is the # character as shown. If the parameters are left out, /goto will take the Apprentice+ to the targeted player/NPC/corpse.

/hideme -
This command will synchronize your /anonymous status with your visibility state and is only to be used during quest preparation, during quests as specified in the script or at the direction of the Quest Director, or at the request of a Guide Level Coordinator in the course of their duties or at the direction of a Senior+. Note: you must target yourself to use this command. The command does not work on anyone but yourself, even though you will receive messages saying that it did. You will no longer be hidden upon zoning, as well (Exception: Senior+ will remain hidden on zoning). There have been reported anomalies with Area of Effect spells and tracking.

/private -
CSR/Guide Program internal communications are handled through the use of the /PR channel. All members of the Guide Program and CSRs use this channel to speak privately among the group across all zones.

/searchcorpse {playername} -
Used to verify the existence of a corpse and to discover the zone in which it is located. The command will list all corpses that exist for the player specified, including those in Shadowrest. Apprentices using this command should escalate to a full Guide if there is any doubt.

/servers -
This will show the availability of all zones on a server. The list is ordered with the most recently available zones on top.

;tell {server.playername} {text} -
Used to send a cross-server tell.

/zone {zonename} -
Used to go to any zone. Takes you to the "safe point" in the zone. This command can be abbreviated as /z.

Commands - Guide+
The following commands are available to members of the Guide Program that have reached the rank of GUIDE+:

/approval {on|off} -
Used to turn on and off the name approval requests. This command is only to be used by quest actors during dynamic quests and guides participating in a server event.

/becomenpc {race#} [{gender=M, F, N} {body armor# } {head armor#} {face type#} {height#} {max level# }] -
Used to change the form of the targeted PC or NPC, converting him/her/it into an NPC (full PvP). Not all races are available in every zone. Some are "global", such as the PC races, and others are local and only appear in some zones.

/emotezone {message} -
Used to send {message} to the zone, for example "/emotezone You feel an icy wind through the land," would appear to players as "You feel an icy wind through the land." This command is limited to approved instances

/find -
o /find {playername} - Used to find the (x, y, z) location of a character in any zone. This command will also target the character if the Guide+ is in the same zone.
o /find {NPCfirstname_NPClastname##}, in some cases, you may need to use /find #NPCfirstname_NPClastname## (Note: in the second scenario, the # in front of NPCfirstname should be the character as shown and not a number) - Used to target and find the (x, y, z) location of an NPC. This command can only be used in the same zone as the target NPC.
o /find {charactername}'s corpse# - Used to target and find the (x, y, z) location of a particular corpse of a player. This command can only be used in the same zone as the target corpse.

/height {#} -
Used to change the height of the target PC or NPC. /height 0 returns the target to the default height for the target's race. ONLY to be used in quests or events where permitted in the respective script, or responsibly within Sunset Home. DO NOT EXCEED /height 98, as that will corrupt the character's file and require external repairs before the character can log back in again.

/inquire {playername} {PID} -
Used to bring up a graphical display of the soulmarks added to a player's account on the server. (See Section 2.5)

/kill - Used to kill the targeted NPC, leaving no corpse. Only used to clear out stuck/broken NPC's, and only after attempting all other avenues of resolution (i.e. Guide Memory Blur, etc.)

/lastname {playername} {surname} -
Used to alter last names in accordance with Section 2.60 (The EverQuest Naming Policy). To add a name with spaces in it, surround the last name in quotes (e.g. Joe "the Guide").

/praise {playername} {PID} {text} -
Used to add a good or neutral (NOTE) soulmark to a player's account.

/summon -
o /summon {playername} - Used to bring a player to you, regardless of the player's current zone. A Guide+ can also target a player and then simply type /summon. (See Section 2.25.0)
o /summon {playername}'s corpse# - Used to summon a player's corpse. A corpse cannot be summoned out of its current zone with this command. A Guide+ can also target a player's corpse in the same zone and then simply type /summon.

/toggle {on|off} -
Used to toggle your ability to receive /tells on and off. This command is only to be used by quest actors during dynamic quests and guides participating in a server event. (See Section 3.0.20)
/warn {playername} {PID} {text} -
Used to add a warn soulmark to a player's account.
You must notify the player of you officially warning them

Commands - Senior+
The following commands are available to members of the Guide Program that have reached the rank of SENIOR GUIDE+:

/broadcast {message} -
Used to send {message} to all players who are online on that server.

/emoteworld {message} -
Used to send {message} to all players who are online on that server. (See Section 1.40.10)

/kick -
Used to kick a player from the game and send them back to the server selection screen. This is only used to remove players who are deemed to be asleep. It will not work on players that are stuck in game and cannot login
Email Address's

http://support.station.sony.com -
The following list of email addresses may also be released to players:

[email protected] -
An address for problems or commendations involving a CSR or member of the Guide Program.

[email protected] -
An address for players who are having trouble getting their guilds created in-game or for any other guild-related problems.

[email protected] -
This address is for questions regarding character moves.

[email protected] -
This address is for when a large group of people are having immediate issues in game, such as two raids having a spawn dispute over a major NPC or other time sensitive issues. This email is to be given to the raid or guild leader only. Guides should notify players that are given the email address that it is for this one use only, as its overuse may result in the removal of this option.
Verified Bug Deaths

Verifiable Bug Deaths
Note: The only exception to the above procedure is if the cause of death was a directly due to a verifiable bug.

Some examples of causes of death that are considered verifiable bugs:
-Falling through the world for massive damage
-Flying through the air and falling for massive damage
-Player zoned into lava when entering Lavastorm (where the corpse will appear at the zone safe point)
-Drowning in a bugged patch of water that, once a character enters they are unable to leave and drowns again
Some examples of causes of death that are not considered verifiable bugs:

-Falling into lava after becoming linkdead
-Being knocked into lava by a monster
-Falling off a cliff
-Being killed by a monster
-Dying while under the influence of a monster's spell, except where noted above (i.e. falling through the world)
-Dying while linkdead, except where noted above (i.e. falling through the world)
If the cause of death was a verifiable bug, then the corpse retrieval process is different.
Ask them where and how they died.
Go to the zone where the corpse is located.
Verify that they died suspiciously:
o Corpse at your feet at zone safe point
o Corpse at 0,0 coordinate
o Corpse under the world
o You are unable to /goto corpse
/summon <playername> to a safe spot in the zone, usually the zone entrance.
/summon <playername>'s <corpse#> to that spot then use the Guide Gauntlets on the targeted corpse to resurrect the player, thus reversing the loss of experience points accrued due to the erroneous death.
This is a courtesy service provided by the Guide Program in an attempt to compensate for the loss of experience and inconvenience caused by the character dying to an anomaly in the game, which is not something they could have possibly avoided.
Link Death: Link death is caused by client or network issues that will exist well after release and can not be compensated for by programming. Link death can never be proven and can actually be used by players to purposely avoid dire consequences of their actions in the game. Consequently, dying while linkdead will never be considered death by a bug.

This may help a few players, If they ever need a rezz =P
Progression No-loiter Zones

The Abysmal Sea
Acrylia Caverns
Plane of Sky
Akheva Ruins
Asylum of Anguish
Pit of Rathpher
Barindu, Hanging Gardens
The Bloodfields
Bastion of Thunder
The Broodlands
The Burning Wood
Nobles' Causeway
Accursed Temple of CazicThule
The Howling Stones
Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal
The City of Mist
The Crypt of Decay
Corathus Creep
Sporali Creep
Corathus Lair
Crystal Caverns
The Crypt of Dalnir

Plane of Time- OFFLIMITS

This is a short list of the progression servers No-Loitering Zones List..

Of course there are zones in this list that arent open yet.. but will be soon.. Enjoy!
Note to all: This Concurs with GUIDES only!... Buglex and a few of his other minions have been spotted hanging out in:

Kerafym's lair (aka: Sleeper's Tomb)
Acrylia Caverns

(so far thats the only ones i have seen them in for extended periods of time, and the reason is they were trying to ban me and accuse me of warping when they couldnt finger up any proof do to the fact a CoTH is not a hack)
No-Loitering Zones: Where guides cannot go unless requested

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