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Not connection - Connections are available (1 Viewer)

Aug 16, 2017
Tonight I did a restart on one of my PC's, once it rebooted I could not connect to the internet via wireless or wired. The network icon has a * next to it, I've plugged in the wireless adapter to another pc and it connects fine. I tried different Ethernet cables and still no connection while trying the wired method I get a red X over the network icon. Ive watched a few youtube videos saying type in netsh ip resets with no luck. Uninstalled drivers / checked for updates...no go, system restore didn't work either. I'm completely lost on why a simple restart would cause me to have these problems. I have never seen this asterisk by network connection before tonight. Has anyone experienced this before or have any tips to throw my way on how to get this resolved? Until then ill be :bang::bang::bang::bang: any help would be appreciated!
I dont probably don't know how to solve the issue but I have a question that will help someone who does know how to solve it...

When you restarted the computer was it for a Windows Update?

Recently I had Windows Update fuck a computer of mine, it somehow changed the timestamps/something(idk what) on my video card's drivers and the computer wasnt able to detect it properly.
Not connection - Connections are available

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