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not in to macros (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 15, 2005
hey guys im not realy in to the macro thing. i thought this guide was more about how to pl and the best places for plat and such. me and my gf just started a new guild and what im looking for is a web site or guide/s on keys, flags ,raid areas and how to pl a toon and ares to fight at which lvl. my main is a lvl 56 dru and its getting frustrating to find good xp when i cant find a group. ppl tell me to go to pon an kite but i realy suck at kiteing .. thanks in advance on any help or tips givin
ok tip one dump the dru make a bard :p

tip 2 read all the fourms including the stickkys :p

i HATE 51 to 62 with a passion, they suck ass big time. i do all mine in dronga with a bst but know thats not an optition.

so my advice is.. make/buy a bard. get it TDK and do the afk bit, u will go passed ur duids level fast then just have druid/gf in grp with ya :p
the problem is he says he is not into the macro thing....so not sure if he wants to do the afk thing.....
Bards are just about the best pl'er though at higher lvl's so you could like he said make/buy a bard and do it that way.
Other than that, check out allakhazam.com for all your lvl/zone needs.
For best places to level? I'd say either find ways to get to hotzones or like he said, read more posts in the forums. They hold alot of great info on mobs/zones and leveling techniques.

As for kiting, it's actually a piece of cake.... you just need to practice it a bit and then you will not leave it alone. The "kiting" part is the easiest part of it once you get down the basics of snaring all 4 mobs without being hammered. If you want an easy place to learn to do it, then just go to a newbie or low lvl zone and practice it till you get it down, then step up to higher zones. PoN at your lvl is not very hard once you get down the spawn locations of mobs that do not wander IMO. For PoN though, I do not recommend quad kiting because most of the zone is plagued with wanderers. Root and Rot or charm kiting works very well though.
shadowman33 said:
the problem is he says he is not into the macro thing....

/slaps himself ok yeah gotta read it in full :p cant really say best spots to go.. not into normal leveling now, esp asa dru lol, erm CS was good at 56 around that level /shrug lol
ok i guess i can give the macro thing a second thought. how would i set one up macroquest2 says ((MacroQuest is only available in source format. You will need a copy of Visual Studio (6.0 or .NET) to compile MacroQuest. Instructions )) any clue to were i can get a free dl of visual studio... sry but im i real macro newbie Thanks in advance for the help
You do not need any of that at all.
Thankfully Soultaker, Tone and other people have taken care of these things for you. All you need to do is get a copy of either one of their versions of mq2, extract to folder, run macroquest.exe.
not in to macros

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