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Question - Not sure if this is possible (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 2, 2014
Not sure if this is possible or how i would go about setting something like this up. I would like to have a toon that is not part of group to automatically buff my group. Is there a way to for me to set a target outside of the group the buffer is in once i have tgb on?

Thanks in advance.
Yes, you could use netbots or xtarget. Your macro would obviously have to access that information somehow. Then you would just store the buffs using a timer and the ID of the spawn you cast it on. All very straight forward.

Alternatively, you could set up your toon to respond to tells/chat and have your toons you want buffs request whatever they needed. Also fairly straight forward to write up.
You can also setup EQBC and send commands. Below is a rough outline but something similar should work.

/bct Toon //tar Tank
/bct Toon //cast "Talisman of the Courageous Rk. II"
/bct Toon //cast "Talisman of Celerity"

If you dont know how to use EQBC here is a article from RedGuides that shows you how to set it up. click EQBC
Question - Not sure if this is possible

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