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OMFG tEh GM'Z R TeH H@xxOrZ! noooo1!!!11 (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 10, 2005
Posted on Macroquest forums:
Thought this was worth a good laugh for those of you not over there.

The following is a log I received from a friend (non-VIP) after he had been contacted by a supposed GM.

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:36 2005] Nameless told you, 'Hail'

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:41 2005] Players in EverQuest:

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:41 2005] ---------------------------

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:41 2005] There are no players in EverQuest that match those who filters.

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:42 2005] Nameless told you, 'GM Nameless here'

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:45 2005] You told Nameless, 'Hello'

[Wed Sep 28 06:22:57 2005] Nameless told you, 'Do me a favor and unload your MQ UI at this time'

[Wed Sep 28 06:23:07 2005] You told Nameless, '...'

[Wed Sep 28 06:23:23 2005] Nameless told you, 'Through recent test this IP has shown to use MQ'

[Wed Sep 28 06:23:40 2005] You told Nameless, 'I'm sorry that it shows that'

[Wed Sep 28 06:23:54 2005] You told Nameless, 'What kind of test is it?'

[Wed Sep 28 06:24:20 2005] Nameless told you, 'Before we start banning accounts on october 10th we are suggesting the deletion of all MQ files from ones harddrive'

[Wed Sep 28 06:24:49 2005] You told Nameless, 'Im just curious to how I can believe what you say.'

[Wed Sep 28 06:24:51 2005] Nameless told you, '"Static IP EMQ_SIMU"'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:01 2005] You told Nameless, 'I dont have a static IP'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:02 2005] Nameless told you, 'its a serverside check'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:07 2005] Nameless told you, 'Matters not'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:24 2005] Nameless told you, 'Im only here to do my job'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:38 2005] You told Nameless, 'Alrighty, I appreciate it'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:42 2005] Nameless told you, 'So, before your account gets banned on october 10th get rid of it'

[Wed Sep 28 06:25:57 2005] Nameless told you, 'We will be running checks again on the 7th at 10am EST'

[Wed Sep 28 06:26:10 2005] Nameless told you, 'Thanks for your attention, have a nice day'

[Wed Sep 28 06:27:29 2005] You say to your guild, 'I just got some tell from a guy named "Nameless"'

[Wed Sep 28 06:27:49 2005] You say to your guild, 'he told me to unload mq2, and they will start banning accounts on oct 10, he says he's a gm'

[Wed Sep 28 06:28:01 2005] You say to your guild, 'Which I think is awkward'

[Wed Sep 28 06:28:15 2005] (edited) tells the guild, 'thats gay because i just got it loaded like a few hours ago~'

[Wed Sep 28 06:28:23 2005] Nameless told you, 'No, i dont suggest you brag to your friends, i suggest you do as i say and delete the files'

[Wed Sep 28 06:28:57 2005] You told Nameless, 'I had to check. Anyone can make an EQIM name'

[Wed Sep 28 06:29:49 2005] Nameless told you, 'Well now you know, get busy. Start by uninstalling your compiler, that prevents a bunch of flags'

[Wed Sep 28 06:30:24 2005] You told Nameless, 'You're still assuming that I am using it, at this time'

[Wed Sep 28 06:30:49 2005] Nameless told you, 'With as much data we have archived, i need not assume'

[Wed Sep 28 06:31:07 2005] You told Nameless, 'But, have a good night. And thanks for the heads up'

[Wed Sep 28 06:31:18 2005] Nameless told you, 'No problem'

The log is authentic. That's all I know about this situation.
No they wouldn't. They're being super leaneant now about banning probably because they have so many people using MQ2. True story, about a week ago, my friend was summoned by a GM to Qeynos Catacombs and left there for like 3 hours with no tells. He finally warps out of it and when the GM asks him where he went he said "I got tired of waiting and warped out of it, if you want to ban me, ban me, don't waste my time." He got off with a warning.

Note: this was the same friend who got the suspension for warping 1800 times in an hour.
I find it quite humorous that he told the guy to uninstall his compiler... Hahaha... My compiler has nothing to do with MQ2, and they can suck on my cock with great vigor if they think I paid $200 for VS and I'm going to uninstall it to keep playing EQ. That entire log sounds like the biggest buch of BS in history. It was either someone using a hack themselves to mess with the guy, or the supposed GM has better social engineering skills than I thought. The dude copped to having MQ2 pretty early in the conversation, which wasn't smart. The best thing I have seen to do is flatly deny from the get-go, but whatever floats yer boat I guess...

Alright, first off, that's not the name of a real GM, ALL GMs will have creative, roleplay style names that would be favored by the naming policies.
Second GM's cannot monitor guild chats and tell he was talking to the guild unless he's reading the logs *as* it happens.
3rd, GMs cannot *detect* MQ running, otherwise all MQ running accounts will be instantly banned.
And lastly, GMs will ALWAYS with NO exceptions introduce themselves as the GM rather than send a tell with a hail. They will say something along the lines (example) "Greetings, I am GM (Name here), I wish to speak to you about some reports we have read" Something along that depending on the situation. GMs will at all times be as formal as possible, even the ones in India. I know this from 4 years of experience playing and also from being a guide as well.

The log may be real, but GM in it is fake.
No they wouldn't. They're being super leaneant now about banning probably because they have so many people using MQ2. True story, about a week ago, my friend was summoned by a GM to Qeynos Catacombs and left there for like 3 hours with no tells. He finally warps out of it and when the GM asks him where he went he said "I got tired of waiting and warped out of it, if you want to ban me, ban me, don't waste my time." He got off with a warning.

Note: this was the same friend who got the suspension for warping 1800 times in an hour.

LMAO that is funny as shit, he tells the GM straight up... I got tired of waiting and warped out... don't waste my time... lol - that was great
nah, I work for a school district. Open the database with student info (cc numbers of parents, ss#'s and junk) and watch the blizzard warden thing suck down all the information. Call the fbi up and report data theft and see what happens. Would be interesting.
tledgend said:
You may want to read this before you think it all is a fake. Well the being able to monitor what is on your system at least part. The rest is easy to do with a plugin.



Yes, this is ALL theoretically "POSSIBLE", however EXTREMELY illegal.

The first person that gets banned using this software that actually has a pair, will win this in court. No matter how they word it, they can't look into your PC whatsoever. It's illegal.
Sony will never catch me now


Bert (T.M.) will keep me safe.

Tin foil For teh win.
and see? thats why i dont play WoW because even tho it has a lot of players compared to EQ, i dont want them poking around my comp, even if its for the "good" reason of making sure u r following the EULA.
Someone in this thread said they cant read guild chat, that is false. They can read guild or group chat, I have seen it happen right in front of me.

As for the first post log, its an obvious fake.
Letmein you better get rid of all that gay porn if you start playing WoW lol.
Dont want that Warden software pulling you out of the closet. mauhahah
TeachersPet said:
One of my accounts got a warning for warping away from a train and a month later I was banned for it no questions asked.

Where was that, was it in a 'hot zone' at the time? Couldn't you blame it on lag or DSL sync whatver?
OMFG tEh GM'Z R TeH H@xxOrZ! noooo1!!!11

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