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IRL - Overall difference between a trade skill toon and raid geared toon? (1 Viewer)

Mar 8, 2021
I have a 12 man team that consist of Warrior, Shaman, Bezerker, Bard, Monk, Rogue, Ranger, Enchanter, Necro, Cleric, Wizard, Magician. Introvert so the only raid gear I see is the chase loot that drops, mostly fully trade skill geared on all toons. Recently saw a thread that mentioned 36 man raids and got curious wondering if the difference in DPS and Tanking ability was substantial jumping from Tradeskill to Raid geared. I know I can't do a 12 man raid but was just curious and can possibly join one of you guys in the future.
The difference is very substantial. Most notably with the AOE scripted damage that hits all, or most, of the raid. When we have new players join my guild, they typically get 1-shot killed if they're in group gear compared to the regular raid geared members who easily survive and heal through the damage.

That said, if all you're looking to get out of EQ is to grind regular mobs in static zones with your automated group by yourself, there's no reason to try to get raid geared.
The difference is very substantial. Most notably with the AOE scripted damage that hits all, or most, of the raid. When we have new players join my guild, they typically get 1-shot killed if they're in group gear compared to the regular raid geared members who easily survive and heal through the damage.

That said, if all you're looking to get out of EQ is to grind regular mobs in static zones with your automated group by yourself, there's no reason to try to get raid geared.
Been playing off and on since a kid for 20+ years. Just never been fully raided and was wondering the difference. Thanks for the response .
It's like another step up in the gear game. From trash, to tier I to Tier II to raid gear. Every little bit will make a noticeable difference. Kind of like AA exp. Each one moves up 1 tick on the ladder, but when you max them out at 10 ticks you notice it more.

I notice that usually raid gear from the previous exp is just a bit better than tier 2 from the newest expansion.

Good Luck.
It's nice to have raid gear doing group content. Now I just let automation pull when I need to do a quick AA grind. Doesn't matter if you get 15+ mobs, your group will tear through everything without wiping.
The difference in DPS for melee characters is pretty huge.

Monk 2HB Raid: Ratio 48.26
Monk 2HB Group: Ratio 37.13

Pet earring is another huge bump. I'm not a pet user so I can't really comment on how it works but I think it just makes your pet a couple levels higher, which boosts its hp/attack/damage.

Then there are the secondary effects. Raid gear is going to have more AC, HP, and heroic stats. The effects are not as drastic but add up.
Depending on your group makeup try spirit fades. It's a fairly easy 12 man raid you can do. Pm me if you have questions. I took this same patch last exp and really enjoyed learning the ropes of box raiding.
For tanks, its huge.. melee, pretty important.. casters, meh. Couple of the people here do current raids with f2p (after max Lvl and AA) casters.
Yeah, it's really not important for casters as long as you have your best focus equips. I'm a min/max addict that raids way too much though so my casters are always nearly as geared as my tank.
The 100% easiest path to Raid Gear your toons from group gear is:
COV - Zlandicar - BURN From 100% (Velium Endowed TS Raidgear is probably comparable to LS Current Group Gear)
TOL - Shei - Cure/Bane Scripts from LEM should get you through...and Just Cure Cure Cure...(Get the Shield of Immaculate light to make this trivial)
NOS - Spirit Fades - Mostly stand in spot and Burn
LS - Kanghammer - One Tank on Rufus - DPS kill adds 4 times - Dont stand in Auras. Dont let Dextris Die.

None of these requires any great gear/complex scripts.

I dont know if its possible to start LS with Group Gear. I suspect they are little too hard for that.

Its fun to start at the earlier raids and you get a real sense of progression if you move from one level to the next.
IRL - Overall difference between a trade skill toon and raid geared toon?

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