MacroQuest Status Update 10-26-2010
We would like to thank every one for their patience in this transition to the new expansion.
We are now satisfied with the stability of the MacroQuest2 source code. We have also resolved enough issues that we should be able to release the NA Official Compile with our active hacks tomorrow.
Game Update Notes - October 26, 2010
All EverQuest Live Servers (except Al'Kabor) will be coming down on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 3:00 am PDT (PDT is -7 GMT: 4:00 am MDT, 5:00 am CDT, 6:00 am EDT, 10:00 am GMT, 11:00 am CET) for a brief Game Update. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for 4 hours