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Patching in reverse (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 12, 2004
Ok I'm not awake yet, but I was thinking about something that is prolly suc but I wanted to ask for my own peace of mind.
On the kenetix site they have all the patches from like the last 18 months, maybe more.
I thought for a second OMG what If I just use the old patch and kick EQ into gear...would all the old exploits work?!!?!?!
So I tried it and of couse it was like erm nope, "please Patch me Bal."
So I wiped the tears away and then though I'd ask sdomething,
I imagine there is some code somewhere that says "this is the new patch" EQ reads that and says ahh KK then let him play.
Is it possible/probable that there would be a way to alter the old patch, and let EQ think its the new one therefore...you got it, all the old chit works but non of the new chit?
Or am I being a dag?

I'd love that option, oh today I'm going to do don missions for crystals, so load up that patch and play.
Next day ahhh gonna do a Monster Mission, ok load up current patch...
Anyway...*sigh I prolly know the answer,
But if wishful thinking were a disease, I'd be in me coffin.

kenetix is the debil!


The server checks to see if you have the right files, not the client I belive.


Even if it is a client check, the server probably won't be compatable in some shape form or fassion


kenetix is the debil!
^^^^ what cade said
well kinda

i dont htink the server checks... thats the patchers job and of course that can be easly bypassed.

only time ive ever come accross a problem with missing files is when i deled somthing from my UI folder and i did get an error just as i was gettin to char select saying it cudnt find it and it sent me to desktop.

the other time is when theres a new expan and i get half the files and then try to zone into the expan zone.. i get a CTD coz the zone file aint there.

also the only reasion to do this is to use old hacks that have been nefed.. considering A it will be nerfed server side rather than client sides B if it aint there will be checks for it.

so good idea but dont think its doable some how
kk, just kinda seemed that if say the "rivals mission' worked before the patch, and not after it, perhaps using the old patch would reverse the sony death touch.
Also I wouldn't have to wait for the new MQ2 *grin.
But ty for the replies.
Patching in reverse

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