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PayPal Payment Issues.. (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 11, 2005
Hello Redguides !
Since a week now i wanted to pay for a monthly access to Redguides through a Paypal payment. The problem is that when i want to pay it it asks for credit card information and says this information is obgligatory to finish this transaction. So i was never able to pay as i got no credit card and use paypal with my standard bank account. Is there anything Im doing wrong or are there any other ways for me to pay for your great service ? As Im really curious about whats inside :)

PS: I wrote you an email about this 1 week ago and never got back an answer.. thats why im now posting it here..
Redbot| P.S Smokinhot owes me a bag for this said:
Can I pay by check or money order or whatever?
If you don't want to pay online, you may use the following:

* Check
* Money Order
* Bundle of wool, bushel of corn, or whatever it is people without credit cards use for currency.

The cost is $24.98 (US), and will get you 1 year's worth of access to whatever you like.

Make checks payable to Redguides LLC. Include a note stating your email address and/or username on Redguides, as well as what you'd like access to (Warcraft section, Everquest section, Book Summaries, and so on.)

Mail the payment and the note to:

P.O. Box 641291
San Francisco, CA
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PayPal Payment Issues..

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