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New member
May 10, 2005
(Didn't feel this should be an announcement anymore...but i wanted it to be visible somewhere for the official record...so here you have it)

There has been a lot of pointless things being posted recently. A few examples are members making a post in a thread saying nothing but 'wrong forum', people posting things in strats/questions forums that should really be in general forum because they have absolutely nothing to do with anything, people replying to a thread with nothing but negative remarks, and more.

We don't mind if you tell someone they have posted in the wrong forum, just don't make it the only reason for posting. If all you are going to say is "this needs to be in ____ forum", then don't post. If you are going to say "This is a good question, here's an answer; and BTW, put this in the ____ forum next time"...that's fine. We don't want useless spam making a thread longer than it needs to be. The moderators and administrators are fully capable of moving a thread.

Your grandma die? Quiting your game for good and want to say good bye? Win the lottery? That's nice to know ('cept for poor ole grandma), but it doesn't belong in the strategy section. Put it in general, it really isn't that hard to figure out where to put something.

Someone start a thread that you think is dumb, or you don't agree with? Rate it 1 star and move on, you do not need to post your feelings unless they are relevant to the situation. Example: someone says they found a bug that can get you 100g but you have to scam someone to do it; if you don't think this is morally right, that's fine, but this isn't a stage for you to start flaming everyone from your highhorse. You could however say that it could get you banned, or that this bug no longer works, and so on.

Don't post useless spam. You should be able to figure out for yourself if your post fits this description.

These problems are occuring more and more frequently and are starting to affect members of our community. I have recieved multiple pms about some of this stuff, so please, help us to keep these forums what they have always been, spam free and THE BEST AROUND!!!

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