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Question - Powerlevel with Magician (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
I see lots of people say that they use a Magician for powerlevelling out of group. Besides the damage shield, how does a mage help powerlevel out of group? Do pets damage not count?

This question particularly pertains to progression servers. Rage/LJ/Phinny.
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I forgot to mention this is on Progression Ragefire/LockJaw/Phinny. Yes the 25 ds is nice, but a druid can do 24 ds and provide heals, hp buffs, and regen.
When you say you see "LOTS OF PEOPLE", are they from this site or that in game etc? I'm sure there are some people that have used a mage to PL with but I doubt it's a preferred choice by any here that I'm aware of. We use tools that we have but I'd be partial to using the druid over a mage myself as well in general. As for the progression servers... are you trying to box on them? Do you already have the mage or are you creating one? Phinny specifically isn't supported for MQ2 by this site as fyi if you're trying to use that there.
Can use mage pet to help tank and DPS but make sure the pet doesn't do more than 50% damage.

Otherwise magi is mainly for the DS and coth.

- - - Updated - - -

I've been using a 60 magi and cleric to powerleveling my group. Ideally I think I would use a bard and druid to powerleveling lvls 1-40. But now that my group is 40+ magi and cleric is nice. I have the mage pet tank and hold agro with taunt and the cleric heals the pet. Every toon in my leveling group can pretty much focus 100% on DPS. I have my 40s cleric and druid spot healing at 65% but mainly they just nuke away. Those extra nukes allow my 40s enc to just buff and mezz, usually I like a charmed pet for DPS but it's not needed.

The 60 mage and cleric can also break into pretty much any camp or dungeon and then I coth in the noobs.

Like I said not ideal but it certainly works
I find the 20 to 40 to be the worst part of levelling. Once 40, can just toss in a 60 tank/monk/mag and win. I recently did 22 to 31 in Sol A and that wasn't so bad since I had to camp the ring for cleric anyways. 31 to 40 has been lousy :)
Try castle mistmoore for 20-35. I would tank about 10 mobs at a time on 60 cleric with 35 magi DS and my 20s group starts ae'ing at 50%. Levels 20-30 pulling everything outside the castle. 30-35 inside the castle.

35-40 I did lower guk with the same ae process.

40-45 in city of mist but stopped ae'ing because the mobs are tougher. I went to the magi pet tanking outside group method.

Now 45+ I'm prob sit in seb all day

Mistmoore, lower guk and CoM were practically empty zones so it was nice(I'm on lockjaw tho so maybe that's why lol)
Question - Powerlevel with Magician

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