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PowerLeveling ShadowKnight... (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 10, 2005
Could someone post guide on how to PL a Sk from 1 - 55.... going to prob normal PL with druid DS in Paludal to 20 and then i was wandering whats way to PL after that..... Could someone link me to that macro that hits a mob once and switches targets..... so i can pull trains and thenSk willland hit on each one at least once.... i have a 70 bard /56 druid / 70 clr to choose from for PL Please repond with ideas.
idea number 1 read the fourms, theres several indepth guides to this, from the thread that saids.

Power level an alt 1 to 51 in a day might be a good one to start with /sigh

ok edited to be a smidg more helpful


persionaly i do the tutorial then hit PC till 25 then do L guk till 51 have a 51 war total played time 8 hours (1hour for twinking/running so really 7hours)

once at 51 i go with my bst to dronga can get em to 60 in about 12hours.

then i do vxed

vxed to 62 then i go max aa get about 100 to 150 aas (all the important pre pop ones + 30 saved) then i get 65 do the same again get up to god importan ones done.
this takes a few weeks (RL)

then its burn to 70 in vxed and just go about ur busness.

im currently sitting on a 70 rog with full qvic (no legs or bp) with time bp and daggers with 200 aas wilth full don augs (and armor were needed) (6 boxed don using the FD class trick thing think were talking 5days played time just to farm dons (used crystals to buy qvic gear also btw sold em on) )

total time 15days played
Liezard said:
Could someone post guide on how to PL a Sk from 1 - 55.... going to prob normal PL with druid DS in Paludal to 20 and then i was wandering whats way to PL after that..... Could someone link me to that macro that hits a mob once and switches targets..... so i can pull trains and thenSk willland hit on each one at least once.... i have a 70 bard /56 druid / 70 clr to choose from for PL Please repond with ideas.

Going to take a wild shot and write one. I am still learning, so a macro guru here could point out better ways to do this.

|Melee 1-Hit Macro
|Cleric or Druid must /tell Alt being PL'd - Now! - in order to activate.
|Simply make a Hotbutton for the above requirement and it's cake.
|Enjoy it, if it really works.
#Event Now "#*#tells you, 'Now!'*#*"
#Event Hit "#*#You slash#*#" 
#Event Hit "#*#You hit#*#" 
#Event Hit "#*#You crush#*#" 
#Event Hit "#*#You pierce#*#" 
#Event Face "#*#You cannot#*#"
#Event TooFar "#*#get closer!#*#"
#Event Exp "#*#You gain#*#"
Sub Main  
|Add name of the Druid or Cleric PLing.
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /target <PLers Name>
/delay 50
/goto :loopstart  

sub event_Now
|Add name of the Druid or Cleric PLing.
/target <PLers Name>
/delay 10
/delay 10
/stick behind

sub event_Hit
/target npc next
/delay 10
/attack on

sub event_Face
/delay 10
/face fast

sub event_Exp
/delay 10

sub event_TooFar
/delay 10
|I put /stick behind, because mobs are easier to hit from behind.
/stick behind
PowerLeveling ShadowKnight...

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