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Question - PVP and EQ? (1 Viewer)

Apr 18, 2021
Did anyone ever set up a system for PVP or rather the arena? This isn't a serious inquiry. Just curious if there was ever a system set for essentially PVP. What were the outcomes? It was a shower thought that occured to me the other day lol. I wonder how x vs y would play out.
Did anyone ever set up a system for PVP or rather the arena? This isn't a serious inquiry. Just curious if there was ever a system set for essentially PVP. What were the outcomes? It was a shower thought that occured to me the other day lol. I wonder how x vs y would play out.
Tallon Zek, Rallos Zek, ...Zek in general?
Did anyone ever set up a system for PVP or rather the arena? This isn't a serious inquiry. Just curious if there was ever a system set for essentially PVP. What were the outcomes? It was a shower thought that occured to me the other day lol. I wonder how x vs y would play out.
Are you talking about setting up a Bot war? class vs class type thing?
Sic bots
Civil War Trailer GIF
vs RedFrog Bots:
star wars kid GIF
Park 54 toons in the arena in Qeynos and wait for someone to step into it before all piling on them. It would be one way to earn a petition alright!
Park 54 toons in the arena in Qeynos and wait for someone to step into it before all piling on them. It would be one way to earn a petition alright!
Maybe not to this extent lol but yeah, the idea occured to me because during a DND campaign our dm did something where the party has to 1 vs 1 each other and I felt like I was a decently op paladin and then I quickly got annihilated by probably one of our weakest party members.
Might want to check your server guide events because "The Festival of Might" that is run by the guides usually has some portion of it that takes place in the arena during July-Sept depending on the server.
I was very young when EverQuest PvP was populated and I used to have so much fun on TZ. There's no way to encapsulate and redistribute that experience though. It is not replicatable because the concept is extremely flawed and the entire game has been balanced thinking of only PvE for a long time. But man, back then was such a blast. It's very rare for MMOs to have FFA open-world PvP, so that particular experience was pretty special.

When I was in my teen years I had a lot of nostalgia going back to that and so I developed and hosted a custom PvP emu server that had a modest little community. That was a lot of fun too.

But yeah, EverQuest PvP sucks. The game was not made for that and it was an after thought.
I kinda think that Valon Zek (race vs. race) might have been a try at copying what was what to come in 2001 with Dark Age of Camelot. But wow!-- a revival of Valon Zek would be fanastic
when EQ ran actual PVP competitions Afterlife from Mith Marr kicked all the PVP and every other servers guilds asses every year they ran it.
Here is basically my experience with PVP.
You're just minding your own business fighting mobs and suddenly you're dead backstabbed by some rogue you couldn't see.
You're running around looking for someone to PVP and you attack a player that's minding their own business fighting mobs and suddenly they're dead, backstabbed by some rogue they didn't see.

You're trying to do a raid event (before all this instanced stuff) and lead guild on the server shows up, trains you "on accident" wipes your entire raid every time you try to do the content.
You're checking out the raid event you want to do when you realize the guild under you in progression is about to engage in the content, so you train them "on accident" wiping their entire raid every time they try to do the content.

What's PVP like now? Probably not much different, just a much lower population on the servers.

Arena is about the only way you can get close to fighting another player without the expectation for NPC's getting involved in the fight. You're probably going to get jumped because fighting fair is for friends. If you do happen to win, "Just wait till I log my main!"
Question - PVP and EQ?

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