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Question - Q/R (1 Viewer)


Active member
Dec 13, 2014
Question: How hard would it be to make something that would with 1 click in this order :

open Program
enter password
Exit 1 window
min the window
then open 4 browser windows
entering separate addys for each window

I get so tired of opening my workstation in the mornings at work love to have someway to just click 1 time and BAMM opens my VT and all websites needed . maybe a VBS script or something .
Autoit works great for a lot of things you might want to automate, but for just opening 4 webpages that will be the same 4 every time you open IE. For Internet Explorer just go to tools, Internet Options, and enter the 4 hyperlinks, put each link on a separate line in the Home page box.
Question - Q/R

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