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Question - Question about group missions (1 Viewer)

Dec 23, 2021
Having solo'd or been drug around by guildie boxers since I last played EQ for serious, I am lost on when/where to do the group mission thing. I generally stick with Serpent's Spine heroes journey stuff into the 50-60 range, and then I get super lost.

With a proper 6 box, I should be able to go into those instanced group missions, just have no idea where to even look for researching them.

Any and all info/help is greatly appreciated.

Note - this is the most helpful and active EQ forum probably still in existence, and that's why I am now starting a bunch of threads and asking many questions.
/achievement (shortened as /ach) would have a list too, though I personally wouldn't worry about it until House of Thuleish level ranges
House of Thule seems to be the most common starting point for "get serious about doing the quest part of EverQuest."

And I have EQ Resource bookmarked. Thanks.
Goldenfrog wrote a near perfect script to FF in the new expansion. I've run it literally hundreds of times with several groups of every makeup you can imagine. I'm actually running it now and doing this on my phone.
Question - Question about group missions

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