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Question - Question - Is there a way to close a tell window via command? (1 Viewer)

May 8, 2019
/clean doesn't work.

I would like a way to:

- Get a tell from someone
- Target them
- Cast a buff on them, or raid invite them or whatnot
- Close the tell window

With one hotkey.

Does anyone know how to close a tell window without clicking it's close button?
This causes the client to freeze for a few seconds which I don't want while playing that toon - thanks though.

try /clear or close tab
/clear does not close a tell window.
How do I use a single key (per the initial question) to close a tell window? (I'll even take an answer to how to close a tell tab as you suggest and reconfigure accordingly).
This causes the client to freeze for a few seconds which I don't want while playing that toon - thanks though.

/clear does not close a tell window.
How do I use a single key (per the initial question) to close a tell window? (I'll even take an answer to how to close a tell tab as you suggest and reconfigure accordingly).
Yep, it nukes and resets all the windows. logs, everything.
It closes windows that are set to close when escape is pressed so if you have a particular window that is not set up to close when escape is pressed doing a /clear will not close it
This causes the client to freeze for a few seconds which I don't want while playing that toon - thanks though.

/clear does not close a tell window.
How do I use a single key (per the initial question) to close a tell window? (I'll even take an answer to how to close a tell tab as you suggest and reconfigure accordingly).
right clik the tab an close it
Question - Question - Is there a way to close a tell window via command?

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